The Greek vs. Trojan War Timeline

By Siyah
  • Jan 1, 1000

    The wedding of Pelius and Thetis

    The wedding of Pelius and Thetis
    All of the Gods and Goddesses were invited to their wedding. However, one goddess was not invited to this wedding and it was the start of something horrible.
  • Feb 1, 1100

    The Apple of Discord

    The Apple of Discord
    Eris, the goddess of Discord, sends an apple to the wedding. Written on the apple was "to the fairest". Once the other Goddesses' saw this, they fought over the apple and argued over who was the fairest. Three women, Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite, turned to Zeus to choose. Zeus did not want to choose so he chose a mortal shepherd, Paris, to choose.
  • Mar 1, 1200

    Paris' Judgement

    Paris' Judgement
    The three goddesses go to Paris so he can make his decision. They all offer him something he couldn't refuse. Hera promised him that he should have all of Asia at his feet, Athena promised him great wisdom, almost equals her own, and promised him great luck in battle, and Aphrodite promises him the most beautiful woman in the world.
  • Apr 1, 1300

    Aphrodite's promise

    Aphrodite's promise
    Aphrodite knew of what Paris truly wanted so she offered him something he couldn't refuse. She offered him the most beautiful woman in the world, however, this woman, Helen, was already married.
  • May 1, 1400

    Helen gets captured by Paris

    Helen gets captured by Paris
    Paris travels all the way from Troy to Sparta, where Helen was, to get her since Aphrodite promised him the most beautiful woman. When Paris takes her, it only leads to war.
  • Jun 1, 1500

    Achilles Versus Agamemnon

    Achilles Versus Agamemnon
    Because Agamemnon took Achilles' concubine, the prize of his war, the two started fighting. Because of this, Achilles becomes angry and refuses to fight.
  • Death of Achilles

    Death of Achilles
    Paris kills Achilles by shooting a poisonous arrow at Achilles' heel. The poison traveled all throughout his body and killed him. His death, however, did not end the entire War.
  • The Horse

    The Horse
    Odysseus comes up with an amazing Idea to get into Troy. He tells everyone that if they make a giant wooden horse and climb inside of it, then it'll be easier to get into Troy.
  • The Greeks win

    The Greeks believe him and conduct Odysseus' plan. The Trojans end up pulling the horse into the city and the Greeks slaughtered the Trojans.
  • War Aftermath

    The Trojans are all either killed or put into slavery. The city of Troy is destroyed with only a small number of survivors.
  • The Reason the War started

    The War started because Aphrodite promised Prince Paris of Troy the most beautiful woman. If Aphrodite didn't promise him an already-married woman that the Greeks and the Trojans would have no reason to actually go to war. However, if Eris didn't drop the apple of discord into the wedding, then the goddesses would have no reason to go to Paris to have him decide who is fairer. Eris and Aphrodite are the initial cause of the war.
  • The Major People in the War

    The major people in the Trojan war are Achilles, Odysseus, Agamemnon, Ajax, Paris, Hector, Nestor, and Helen. These people had the most impact on the war, no matter if it was before or after. The major gods in the Trojan War are Apollo, Artemis, Ares, and Aphrodite. Zeus is somewhat of a major character because he is the one who chose Paris to choose between the three Goddesses.
  • Major Turning of Events

    The Major Turning of Events is when the Goddesses set the Trojan War in Motion, when Paris chooses a woman over the world and power, when Achilles refuses to fight, and when Odysseus comes up with the idea of the Wooden Horse and The Achilles Heel.