Bio-ethanol – the fuel of tomorrow from the residues of today
B. Hahn-Hägerdal,M. Galbe,M.F. Gorwa-Grauslund,G. Lidén,G. Zacchi, Trends in Biotechnology. Elsevier (Dec 2006) Web. 13 September 2014
This article discusses Biofuels in their entirety. It highlights the benefits it hold and how it is yeilded. It also discusses its use as a renewable resource, and the potential that factor has for the environment. -
This article focuses on a problem. the conversation is about the problem America faces with oil. It adresses the problem but not the true solution. At that time the only possible solution was biofuels. Therefore this article recognizes this alternative and describes its benifits. -
“Fuel Ethanol: Background and Public Policy Issues” Brent D. Yacobucci (2007) Congressional Research Service. Web. 13 September 2014.
This article is speaking to the general public in regards to the changes happening in their back yards. More people should become concerned about this because in the end it will most likely involve them. Yacobucci most likely wrote this article for those reasons. Yacobucci works as the Energy and Minerals Section Research Manager at Congressional Research Service and has worked there since 1999. He is an expert in the research of energy and its interactions with agriculture environment, natural -
This article completely focuses on one solution to Americas problem. Since the last article posed a problem, this article poses a solution. I see this article as a long answer to the previous question. Since the last article the conversation has changed from cause to effect. -
Political, economic and environmental impacts of biofuels: A review
Ayhan Demirbas,Applied Energy
Volume 86, Supplement 1, (November 2009), Pages S108–S117. Web. 13 September 2014
This article speaks of environmental friendly technologies, the impact they have on society compared to conventional vehicles, and the potential they have for renewable energy and small business farmers all over the world. -
This article focuses on the new biofuel technology being researched currently. Since the start of the problem there have been many suggested solutions. This focuses on the impact the solutions would have on America, Therefore this articles converstation is changed to basically an update on progress of the first article. -
“A structural analysis of vehicle design responses to Corporate Average Fuel Economy policy”
Ching-Shin Norman Shiau, Jeremy J. Michalek, Chris T. Hendrickson. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. Elsevier (Nov-Dec 2009) Web. 13 September 2014. The authors of this article are conducting this research to find what changes need to be made by manufacturers in order to meet regulations. This concerns the public because it involves the changes that will be made in the vehicles we drive or will be driving. This concerns our safety as drivers. If our car is built simply for fue -
This article is again on the cause and effect of the first stated problem. It focuses on the other problems for the economy that the first articles problem poses. Along with fuels this problem affects the vehicles. So since the first article the conversation has changed from problem to other associated problems -
This article was created to defend the new technology from claims made against them. Recent focus on biofuels led to controversy on which is truly better. Fossil fuel enthusiasts claimed that biofuels would increase prices rather than decrease them. This article defends that they wouldnt in fact raise the prices. So therefor the conversation has changed from introduction to biofuels to defense of biofuels. -
Indirect fuel use change (IFUC) and the lifecycle environmental impact of biofuel policies
D. Rajagopal,G. Hochman,D. Zilberman. Energy Policy. Elsevier. (January 2011) Web. 13 September 2014
This article speaks of the common misassumptions made about the impact and usage of biofuels. There was statements made that the implementation of biofuels would lead to the same fuel consumption and impact on the environment. What these statements did not account for were the change in gasoline prices due to the implementation of biofuels which would lead to less use and imact. -
This article discusses the new line of solutions for the origional problem. By this time, biofueled vehicles had been developed and were being released to the public. This article goes to truly test the claim of their value. It discusses research done and the results. Finally the conversation has been changed from problem, to the testing of the solution. -
“Valuation of Plug-in Vehicle Life-Cycle Air Emissions and Oil Displacement Benefits”
Jeremy J Michalek, Mikhail Chester, Paulina Jaramillo, Constantine Samaras, Ching-Shin Norman Shiau, Lester B. Lave. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America v.108, no. 40 (October. 2011) p.16554-16558. Web. 13 September 2014Exactly like the article previous to this, the authors of this article are conducting this research to find what changes need to be made by manufacturers in order to meet regulations. This concerns the public because again it involves th -
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Kyle Vadas