Apr 1, 1330
The plagues orgins
In the early 1330s an outbreak of the deadly bubonic/black plague occured in china, and because china was one of the busiest worlds trading nations it with only a matter of time before the plauge spread. -
Oct 1, 1347
The plagues trip too europe
When Italian merchant ships returned from a trip to the Black Sea, one of the key links in trade with china. Many of those on board were already dying of the plague. -
Jan 8, 1348
Plague reaches France and Germany
May 1, 1349
Plague reaches Norway
Jan 16, 1350
Plague reaches Eastern Europe
Sep 16, 1353
Giovanni Boccaccio finishes writing The Decameron
A fictional narrative that opens with a description of the 1348 outbreak of Black Death in Florence, Italy. -
The Great Plague of London begins
43 people die by end of May -
More deaths
6,137 people die by June. -
Even more
17,036 people die by July. -
Totals rise
31,159 people die by August. -
The Great Fire of London
Destroys most of the rats and fleas that carry the plague bacillus.