Edad contemporanea e1562633629626


  • First flight Wright brothers

    First flight Wright brothers
    The Wright brothers are credited with the first long and verified powered flight, carried out on December 17, 1903.
  • Vacuum tube Fleming

    Vacuum tube Fleming
    Vacuum tubes were the basis of electronics in the first half of the last century: the first televisions and the first computers made use of a component that would eventually be replaced by smaller and more efficient transistors.
  • Autogyro, de la Cierva

    Autogyro, de la Cierva
    De la Cierva managed to build and fly a biplane plane that he christened 'The Crab', twenty years after the Wright brothers' flight
  • The television

    The television
    The engineer John Logie Baird invented television after several attempts to copy the radio's electromagnetic wave system.
  • Penicillin

    British scientist Alexander Fleming announces the discovery of penicillin, penicillin was one of the first antibiotics invented and also one of the most widely used worldwide.
  • Radar

    The Scottish physicist Sir Robert Watson-Watt patents the radar, which detected the presence of a bomber by means of two antennas located 10 km away
  • Jet aircrft

    Jet aircrft
    Jet or jet-powered aircraft, or jet is a means of transport powered by jet engines that generates a backward jet of gases,
  • Nuclear reactor

    Nuclear reactor
    A nuclear reactor is a device where a controlled nuclear chain reaction takes place that releases energy. Nuclear reactors are used in nuclear power plants for the generation of electricity ...
  • Transistor, Shockley, Brattain and Bardeen

    Transistor, Shockley, Brattain and Bardeen
    Physicists Walter Brattain, William Shockley and John Bardeen of Bell Laboratories discovered the transistor to be used in telephony and to replace both relays and busbar systems.
  • First Computer

    First Computer
    When the United States Army Ballistics Research Laboratory recorded the creation of the first Electronic and Computer Numerical Integrator
  • First microwave oven

    First microwave oven
    It all started with a peanut nougat bar that melted in a pocket. It was this random incident that gave rise to one of the most popular appliances today.
  • Fibre optics

    Fibre optics
    Indian physicist Narinder Singh Kapany is one of those lucky people. In 1953 he designed and manufactured a glass cable capable of carrying light, which he later called fiber optics.
  • First artificial satellite, Sputnik

    First artificial satellite, Sputnik
    Launched on October 4, 1957 by the Soviet Union, it was the first artificial satellite in history. Sputnik 1 was the first of several satellites launched by the Soviet Union in its Sputnik program
  • First nuclear power station, Calder Hall

    First nuclear power station, Calder Hall
    A nuclear power plant is an industrial facility in which electricity is generated from thermal energy produced by fission reactions in the vessel of a nuclear reactor, It is used to heat water to steam at high pressure and temperature
  • Electronic chip

    Electronic chip
    What we call chips or microchips are actually silicon integrated circuits, containing hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of thousands of transistors. Contrary to what it seems, most of the chips that have been produced have not been used to make computers.
  • Laser

    Ruby laser It was the first laser built, in 1960, by means of a ruby bar excited by a Xenon flash pulse. It emits light at 694.3 nm, visible as a deep red.
  • LED diode

    LED diode
    It is a light source made of a semiconductor material equipped with two terminals. It is a p-n junction diode, which emits light when activated, if a suitable voltage is applied to the terminals, the electrons recombine with the holes in the p-n junction region of the device, releasing energy in the form of photons.
  • Mobile Phone

    Mobile Phone
    Martin Cooper, por aquel entonces director de I+D de Motorola, efectuó la primera llamada desde un teléfono móvil de la que se tiene constancia a su compañero y rival Joel Engel, que ostentaba el cargo de jefe de desarrollo de los Laboratios Bell.
  • Personal computer

    Personal computer
    The newly born Apple company, from Cupertino (California), put up for sale a personal computer. The now mythical Apple II was not the first product of the company founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Nor was it the first personal computer