TCH 208- History Timeline

By kzuleg
  • Books on Tape (1998-2003)

    Books on Tape (1998-2003)
    For as long back as I can remember, I always loved listening to books on tape. This is where I would say my literacy interactions began, but I can't say for sure. I remember how the different voices reading the story could make or break how I felt about that book. There were so many books on tape to choose from and it was awesome that I could even listen to them in the car!! I really enjoyed being able to read a book, but instead of reading, being able to listen and have it read to me.
  • Popcorn Reading (2001-2006)

    Popcorn Reading (2001-2006)
    Popcorn reading was the most popular way to read a textbook throughout elementary school. I remember doing this a countless number of times. The way popcorn reading worked was that one person would start reading and then stop after a few paragraphs and a new person would pick up where it was left off. I enjoyed this because it allowed for multiple people to read and keep everyone focused, but I didn't like it because I wasn't one who liked speaking to the class. I would have rather read silently
  • Junie B. Jones!!!

    Junie B. Jones!!!
    I have to say that Junie B. Jones changed my life when it came to reading. When I was young I would have rather listened to books on tape, but luckily, a wonderful author named Barbara Park changed that for me. After reading my first Junie B. Jones book, I was hooked. I read as many of those books as I could get my hands on and they really made me enjoy reading as a hobby and leisurely activity instead of homework or a chore. I think everyone has that one book and this is mine.
  • Pretending to be a Teacher (2001-2004)

    Pretending to be a Teacher (2001-2004)
    If you ask my mom what one of her favorite memories of me growing up was, she'll tell you about all the times I sat and would read to imaginary students. I would be in my parents room for hours with tons of books, just sitting in a rocking chair reading them one after another to my students (which was no one). I would ask them questions about the book and do voice changes with the characters. I always loved pretending to be a teacher and reading to others, whether they real or not.
  • Book Report

    Book Report
    In elementary school we were required to do a book report/presentation in 4th grade. I remember choosing "The BFG" to read and make a project about. I made a diorama that showed the main setting and characters of the story and was able to share it with my classmates. I really enjoyed this project because it was fun to create and every person in the class had a different way to portray the book of their choosing! Link Text
  • Pick a Person "to be"

    Pick a Person "to be"
    One of my all time favorite memories from elementary school was fifth grade when we got to pick someone to be for the day. I remember choosing Mia Hamm (although looking back I am not sure why) and I got to spend the day dressed up as her and telling people about who she was. This literacy experience involved researching about the person I chose and learning all about her life to be able to create a speech acting as that person. I got to inform my peers and teacher of who Mia Hamm was!
  • Favorite Book

    Favorite Book
    Sophomore year of high school was when I learned I could actually enjoy reading as a hobby. After reading "The Great Gatsby" with my class and discussing all the true meanings found in the book, I began to really enjoy and want to read. "The Great Gatsby" then became my favorite book and the movie was that much better.
  • Socratic Seminar

    Socratic Seminar
    One of the best ways to really become involved in a book and in class discussion was through a socratic seminar. I can recall participating in this my junior year of high school while reading "Perk of Being a Wallflower." Not only was this a great book to read, but it was so interesting to hear the thoughts, connections, and insight of my peers around the same book. Link text
  • Reading for Leisure (present time)

    Reading for Leisure (present time)
    Now a days, besides reading textbooks for school, I choose the books I want to read in my free time and before bed. I am currently reading " How to Be Single" by Liz Tuccillo and am so far really enjoying the humor in the book. I enjoy reading a lot more when it's on my own time and of my choosing instead of being told to read a certain book by a certain time. If I don't find a book that I enjoy right from the beginning, there is zero chance I will make it past the first chapter.