I was born
So yeah I was born on March 3rd 1999 in Pennslvania. I don't remember anything, besides the fact that I was just born and that we really did't live there for very long. -
Moved to Ohio
I was way to young to remember exactly what it was like but we used to live about 3 blocks from The Pentagon. My father was a marine and actually used to work on marine one. We moved shortly after 9/11 mainly because we lived so close to The Pentagon and with it being such a target we just moved along with my dad finishing his time in the marines and getting a new job. -
Pickerington Elementary School
Pickerington Elementary School was were I went for Kindergarten through 4th grade. I would say good time but to be honest I don't remember very much from those 5 years. And what i do remember is pretty random like the adandoned shack off the track had an serial kille that lived there, or the pond with the 4 foot tall cattails on the other side was possesed by a demon... also that my whole 4th grade year was spent in a portable which wasn't all that fun... -
So starting in 2005 we went to Hawaii for the next couple of years for summer vacation about 4 times. It was always nice and very pretty. The flight was long but the trip was well worth it. -
Florida Trip
So the summer of 2005 my family decided to go down to Florida to visit my grandparents and just spend some time together. We had absolutely fantastic timing and while we were there we got hit by hurrcane Charlie, it wasn't all to bad considering it was a very weak storm but we left shortly after because another hurricane, hurrican Katrina, was about to make landfall so we just hiked it out of there. -
Diley Middle School
Diley Middle School was where I had my 5th and 6th grade school years. It was literally a couple minute drive from my house and located in my neighbourhod. From what I remember it was a relatively alright school, but what I really remember was that my 5th grade English teacher had a life size cardboard cutout of Elvis that he liked to just set up in the back corner of the room. -
Mexico Trip
We decided to go to a nice place in Mexico, Puerto Vallarta for our summer vacation. It was nice considering we still lived in Ohio at the time the temperature was a nice change and the food was great. Oddly enough was that the two things I remember the most were that almost everyone got food poisoning (turns out it was the water) and that we got a Mercedes Benz as our rental car which kind of worried us because in general it wasn't the nicest area. -
Ridgeview Junior Highschool
This is where I spent my 7th grade year which was rudely ended by moving at the very end of the school year. Seemed ok from what I remember of it, was actually the first year I actually enjoyed English Class. Only because the teacher had Startbucks days, but honestly i really don't like english class it's just all the writing... -
Lopz Middle School
Being the first school i attended here in San Antonio it was a big change. Just the sheer number of people was amazng to me. My old schools had always been maybe a class of a hundred or so people and generally the same people were in your class every year. In general school here seems to be overall better but it always sucks to move away from where you lived pretty much all of your life. -
Moved to San Antonio
My Dad had just gotten a new job and we drove for about 22 hours and 1,350 miles to get here. Not an easy task with 3 cats and a dog.