study timeline

By melala
  • Protocol development

    draft-Final version
  • Literature review

    Literature review and summarize p studies resultrevious
  • Ethics-Local

    Ethical review from HU
  • Developing Upgrading report

  • Course work

  • Ethics-2

    Ethical approval from National review board and LSHTM
  • Upgrading

  • survey 1

    Data collection @Kersa HDSS
  • lab. analysis for survey 1

  • Data Analysis for survey 1

  • Survey 2

    Field Work to survey at Bambasi HDSS
  • Lab analysis for survey 2

  • Data Analysis for survey 2

  • Thesis writing

    Thesis writing
    Finding dissemination
  • Thesis Submission

    finalizing thesis writing and validation results
    Dissemination and publications
    Submit final thesis
  • Viva and completion of study