Spanish American War

  • Hawaii Grants United States Exclusive Use Of Pearl Harbor

    Hawaii Grants United States Exclusive Use Of Pearl Harbor
    His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands grants to the Govrnment of the United States the exclusive right to enter the harbor of the Pearl River in the Island of Oahu, and to establish and maintain there a coaling and repair station for the use of vessels of the United States, and to that end the United States
    may improve the entrance to said harbor and do all other things
    needful to the purpose aforesaid.
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  • Grover Cleveland Elected President

    Grover Cleveland Elected President
    Cleveland was born on March 18, 1837 in Caldwell, New Jersey. He grew up in New York. He started atending school at the age of 11. When his father died in 1853, Cleveland left school to work and support his family. He moved in 1855 to live and work with his Uncle in Buffalo, New York. He studied law in Buffalo and was admitted to the bar in 1859.
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  • Planters Overthrow The Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalaini

    Planters  Overthrow The Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalaini
    Hawaii’s last sovereign queen was born on September 2, 1838 in Honolulu. According to Hawaiian tradition, she was adopted at birth by Abner Paki and his wife, Konia (a granddaughter of King Kamehameha I). Liliuokalani’s childhood years were spent studying and playing with Bernice Pauahi, the Pakis’ natural daughter.
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  • Spain begins reconcentration policy in Cuba.

    Spain begins reconcentration policy in Cuba.
    General Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau understood very quickly that the key to a Spanish victory over the insurgents was to strip the guerrillas of their abilities to live off the land and camouflage themselves in groups of civilians. To this end, he began a policy of moving Cuban civilians to central locations where they would be under the control of the Spanish army. In addition, he put the entire island under martial law.
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  • Theodore Roosevelt appointed assistant U.S Secretary of Navy

    Theodore Roosevelt appointed assistant U.S Secretary of Navy
    Theodore Roosevelt was appointed assistant U.S. Secretary of the Navy. Emilio Aguinaldo was elected president of the new republic of the Philippines; Andrés Bonifacio was demoted to the director of the interior.
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  • U.S. President William McKinley inaugurated.

    U.S. President William McKinley inaugurated.
    McKinley's 1897 Inauguration was the first Inaugural ceremony recorded by a movie camera. William McKinley was the first President to have a glass-enclosed reviewing stand. And this was the first Inauguration in which Congress hosted a luncheon for the President and Vice President.
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  • Spanish Prime Minister is assassinated

    Spanish Prime Minister is assassinated
    Spain—died August 8, 1897, Santa Agueda, Guipúzcoa), Spanish historian, statesman, and prime minister, whose political activity brought about the restoration of Spain’s Bourbon dynasty. He was the author of Spain’s 1876 constitution.
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  • Battleship U.S.S Maine explodes in Havana Harbor

    Battleship U.S.S Maine explodes in Havana Harbor
    USS Maine, a second-class battleship built between 1888 and 1895, was sent to Havana in January 1898 to protect American interests during the long-standing revolt of the Cubans against the Spanish government. In the evening of 15 February 1898, Maine sank when her forward gunpowder magazines exploded. Nearly three-quarters of the battleship's
    crew died as a result of the explosion.
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    text and picture from google
  • Phillippine Islands Declare war on U.S.A

    Phillippine Islands Declare war on U.S.A
    The Philippine Insurrection began as the Philippine Republic declared war on the United States forces in the Philippine Islands, following the killing of three Filipino soldiers by U.S. forces in a suburb of Manila.
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  • U.S.S Philippine war ends

    U.S.S Philippine war ends
    War ended in the Philippines, with more than 4,200 U.S. soldiers, 20,000 Filipino soldiers, and 200,000 Filipino civilians dead.
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