Shroud (Michael Grzesiek)

  • Played with first esports team, Exertus

    The young and unpopular Shroud plays for the first time in the esports world with Exertus
  • Shroud singed with Cloud 9

    Shroud makes his first big move in the gaming world by singing with one of the most popular North American esports teams
  • First Place Finish at ESL Pro League

    Shroud makes history by wining the ESL Pro League with Cloud 9
  • 2nd Place Finish at ESL One Cologne

    Shroud and Cloud 9 fall short at ESL One Cologne but it was still a very impressive fight all the way till the end
  • Shroud Decides to Become a Full-Time Streamer

    Shroud decides to become a full-time streamer meaning that he will step down from his starting position on the roster of Cloud 9
  • Shroud Twitch Stream Reaches an Average viewership of 40,000

    Shroud reaches new heights in the streaming world by reaching an average viewer ship of 40,000 in April of 2018. He does this by playing the very popular game at the time, Player Unknown's Battle Grounds
  • Shroud Reaches 100,000 Subscribers on Twitch

    As one of the only streamers to reach 100,000 subscribers Shroud did what many have not done in the gaming world by gaining this incredible amount of Twitch subscribers.
  • Shroud Joins Mixer

    Shroud shocks the gaming world by joining Mixer, the much smaller but up and coming streaming platform. Majority of streamers are found on Twitch including all of the big name streamers, but Shroud decided to make the change and switch over to Mixer.