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Russia Timeline

  • March 1917 Revolution

    March 1917 Revolution
    The First result of the revolt was the abdication of the Tsar Nicolas 11 and the end of the Russian Empire. This was a spontanious revolution, with no planning.
  • Provisional Government

    Provisional Government
    The Soviet and the Duma came together and decalared this type of government. Was manley made up of moderates and radicals from the Soviet. Promised the Constituent Assembly with universal secret balllot, and to legalize strikes. Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin were all out of the country.
  • April Thesis

    April Thesis
    When Lenin returned back from exile, he was not happy with what the revolutonaries were doing. So he created the April Thesis which prompted : to bring back a communist revolution, immediate peace, seizure of the gentry land, all power over the Soviets and the seizure of factories. Slogan " Peace, Bread, and Land "
  • Kornilov Affair

    Kornilov Affair
    All began when a loose alliance of two groups ran Russia, Socialist who was led my Kerensky and the Consistitutional Democarts led by Kornilov.Petrograd had threatened the goverenment to they sent troops to protect it. Kornilov betrayed Kerensky and created a scene of his own he wanted to save the revolution. Bolsheviks gained a majority of Petrograd!
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    Wasnt like the march revolution because this one was very planned. The bolsheviks gained control of Petrograd. On october 23 they took over Moscow. When Lenin returned him Trotsky and the Soviets and the Bolsheviks arrested the Provisional government and took power.
  • New Government

    New Government
    The two goals of Lenins government were that the war should be ended as quickly as possible and the peasants should seize the land. Lenin led Russia very Strongly and was a strong Marxist.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    War between the Bolsheviks ( reds) and the opposing groups ( whites ) held within the Russian Empire and the Russian Provisional Government leadng the the fall of the Soviets that was taken over by the Reds. Petrodgrad was taken over and they gained control throughout Russia.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Lenin opened peace negotiations with Germany. He was willing to give up huge parcles of land for peace. Lenin didnt think the new government could begin to go though problems with foreign war.
  • War Communism

    War Communism
    The War Communism promoted the nationalization of industry, compulsory larbour was introduced, Private trade suppresed and the all around nature of War Communism.
  • New Economic Policy

    New Economic Policy
    By this time is was proven that the War Communism was not puttingv the USSR in economic recovery. Lenin changed the plan and then the NEP was launched. Within in was things like: some private trade would be permitted, peasants would be aloud to sell surplus, workes were aloud to buy their factory, and have private ownership.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    Treaty signed between Germany,Italy and the Soviets it was signed during the Genoa conference. This treaty renounced tettorial and financial claims againt WW1
  • Five Year Plans

    Five Year Plans
    The plan made by Stalin, features where to Command Economy where targets were demanded. Collectivization which forced peasents to give up there own land and become workers on collective farms. Imporvment in the Heavy Industry so the USSR would have the proper weapons to defeand itself. Stalin made a seond 5 year plan in 1933 which was to severe.
  • Kellogg- Briand Pact

    Kellogg- Briand Pact
    Signed by United States, France , United Kingdom and Italy. Supported by the U.S and was never a formal treaty. It basicaly denounced war as a method of solving war disputes.
  • Rapprochement

    Even though with diverse opinions the countries were brought together.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    First perminent ointernational organization whose mision was to have world peace. Wanted to prevent war throught collective security and disarment. It was a few successes. Reason for the failure of the league was the incomplete memborship, lack of enforcement and the league and the treaties.
  • The Purges

    The Purges
    the new NKVD becames Stalins instrument for removing all of his enemies. Heros of the Old revolution were charged with treason and excecuted. Stalin was so paranoid he killed one out of five of the officers in the Red Army which he would regret in the future.
  • Nazi Soviet Pact

    Nazi Soviet Pact
    Was basically a non aggression pact signed between Germany and the Soviets and was signed in Moscow. A pact that they would stay neutral if attacked by a 3rd party. This pact staying inrtact till 1941 when Germany invaded the Soviet Union.