
Road to Revoltion - Schwartz

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    This proclamtion which closed down colonial expansion to the west was the first to affect all thirteen colonies. In response to a revolt of Native Americans, led by King George III.
  • Sugar Act

    This law was the first law ever passed by the body for raising tax revenue in the colonies for the crown. Colonists were extremely unhappy with this new tax law. Tax was placed not only on sugar,Britain wanted this money to help provide more security for the colonies.
  • Currency Act of 1764

    Currency Act of 1764
    During the currency act colonies suffered a constant shortage of currency with trade. There was no gold or silver mines and currency could only be obtained through trade as regulated by Great Britain. Many of the felt no alternative to printing their own paper money in the form of Bills of Credit.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The quatering Act is A tax imposed to help supply money for British troops. By George Grenville. This required certain colonies to provide food and quarter. Some itrms are bedding, cooking utensils, firewood, beer or cider and candles.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    The stamp act congress was A form of colonial out cry reguarding the Stamp Act. The members drew up a statement for their rights. Also it renewed laws by British Parliament during the minisrty of George Grenville. The reveneue came from the sale of the of the stamps and was designedated for colonial defense.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The stamp act was act in 1765 by the name of Prime Minister George Grenville. The stamp Act was made to raise help the the new military force. nville. The stamp Act was made to raise revenues to support the new military force. The Stamp Act required use of stamped paper, which the payment of the tax. The stamps were about 50 trade items. the colonists were extremely unhappy with this tax.
  • Decloratory Act of 1766

    The Decloratory Act was for the better securing the dependency of his Majesty's dominions in America upon the crown and parliament of Great Britain. The houses of representatives in his colonies and plantations in America, have of late, against law, claimed to themselves, or to the general assemblies of the same,
  • Townshend Act of 1767

    The Townshend Act was when there was taxes on grass, paint, oil, lead, paper , and tea. Reaction assumed revolutionary proportions in Boston. In the summer of 1768 when customs officials saw a sloop owned by John Hancock, for violations of the trade regulations.