Viva la revolution


By cube
  • RIOT!!!!

    Riots break out at Reveillon wallpaper factory after rumors of decreased wages and rising bread prices, If you didn't want a riot to breakout I think that the prices should've stayed the same so pretty much the workers that were getting ripped off weren't having it so they went on a rampage destroying everything in sight.
  • Womens Rights

    Womens Rights
    Women marched and broke into the royal palace at Versailles because of the high prices and scarcity of bread, which meant they would starve to death without having bread because the prices were so high. Women didn't like the prices of bread and it was pretty much becoming extinct so they took a stand and did what they thought was right.
  • New Anthem

    New Anthem
    "La Marsellaise" becomes the new French National Anthem, after the Revolution had ended so they made a new anthem pretty much just to start over from scratch. As soon as the King and Queen were beheaded (last King and Queen of France) so the country pretty much got a new start which meant a new anthem.

    There were bread riots in Petrograd and workers went on strike. The people were outraged that the bread was at such a high price so they were rioting on the streets, and workers were going on strike because they weren't getting paid enough
  • Russia/BrestLitovsk

    Russia signed the Treaty of BrestLitovsk with Germany. They signed a Teaty with each other so they are pretty much working with each other now.
  • Stalin

    Stalin proposed first of several 5 year plans to modernize Russia by building up their industry. Stalin was planning on taking over for good he was going to have a lot of power