Reading History

  • Furry Books

    Furry Books
    Here I started with books of many colors and textures but very few words. This created and engaging "reading" from a very young age, I would listen to my mom read while connecting to the images.
  • Period: to

    Reading Throughout Life

  • Reading On my own

    Reading On my own
    Starting reading books myself with very few words. Simple story line to allow me to easily comprehend and follow.
  • Starting Chapter Books

    Starting Chapter Books
    This is when I started reading more lengthy books. Challenged my vocabulary and comprehension skills.
  • Organizing the Chapter Books

    Organizing the Chapter Books
    These chapter books were read to challenge my comprehension and to be able to organize the events over longer period of times. This book was also based on a true story.
  • Learning New Voices

    Learning New Voices
    This book was written in English, however, was a very different style of writing which made comprehending the story extremely challenging.
  • Fiction... But Relatable

    Fiction... But Relatable
    A book like this for example was fiction but used real world issues, such as racism, in the novel. The story line was fictional but some parts could start relating to real life.
  • Relatable and Eye Opening

    Relatable and Eye Opening
    Here is where i really started to get into memoirs. Here is when your learn a lot of lessons through other people as well as possibly gain gratitude for the current life you have.
  • Even More Difficult Voice

    Even More Difficult Voice
    By senior year I was very comfortable with reading long, detailed stories. However this was a bit challenging considering all the different jargon used. Really exercised outside resources and extra research to fully understand.
  • Self Help!

    Self Help!
    This is a whole different type of reading and understanding of books. I started to read for personal gain and development.
  • Not So Fun Adult Stuff

    Not So Fun Adult Stuff
    Here is also for self gain but more in the finances of the "adult" life. A lot of curves have been thrown and I want to get the best value of the dollar, leading me to finance books