Quarter Project

  • Brown Vs. Board

    Brown Vs. Board
    It is a Supreme Court case emds segregation
    The vote was 9-0, or unanimous
    Linda Brown who had a two commute to go to black school, where a white school was blocks away
    It is a great decision, however there was a lot of evidence aster the railing.
  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till
    14year old boy from Chicago, visiting Mississippi
    Was said to have whistled at a white woman
    Was kidnapped, beat, lynched, thrown in a river, and left for dead
    Mother gave him an open casket
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Paros of Montgomery, Alabama
    Rosa refused to move, she was arrested
    December 5, a boycott of buses will last 38 days
    Non violent protest to start more civil rights movements
  • SCLC

    Civil rights organization, joined by MLK
    Founded in Atlanta, Georgia
    Believed churches /religion should be involved in nonviolent political activism
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    Group of 9 African American students
    Enrolled into Little Rock Central High School (white school)
    They were abused, both physically and verbally
    Minnejean Brown was expelled for retaliating against his attackers in 1958
  • Greensboro 4

    Greensboro 4
    Greensboro, North Carolina
    4 college students sat down at a lunch counter at WoolWorths to be served.
    They were refused service.
    Continued to “sit in” and others joined.
    The protests spread to other towns.
    Forced change ✊
  • Student NonViolent Coordinating Committee

    Student NonViolent Coordinating Committee
    Black college students who directed campaigns against segregation
    Worked with the Freedom Riders
    Members increased massively
    Founders included: Ella baker, Diane Nash, Juliana board
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Civil rights activists rode interstate buses into the south
    They did this to protest segregated bus terminals
    Greyhound bus (first to arrive in Alabama) was met with an angry mob of 200 white people
    They broke windows, popped tired, threw a bomb into the bus, members were beaten
    Eventually President Kennedy would file an administration, the Interstate Commerece Commission, which prohibited segregation in interstate transit terminals.
    Included both black and whites ✊
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was advocate for the civil and economic rights for African Americans.
    250,000 people were attendance at the Lincoln Memorial.
    MLK was the last to speak, and gave his “I Have A Dream” speech.
    70-80% of marchers were black.
    It helped to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Forbids employers and labor unions to discriminate against any person on grounds of race, color, religion, sex, physical ability, or age in job related matters.
    Cannot be refused service.
    Prohibits discrimination against race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or physical ability.
  • March on Selma/Bloody Sunday

    March on Selma/Bloody Sunday
    60 students March from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama to get the right to vote.
    They walked 54 miles and were stopped at the bridge.
    Seen on national television.
    LBN ordered the passage of 1965 voting rights laws.
    2nd March took place March 21-24days wiring thousands marching.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    This act prohibits racial discrimination in voting
    Signed into law by Lyndon Bl Johnson
    15th amendment