
Pure Soul Promotional Plan - Vanner Varilla

  • Traffic Builder

    Traffic Builder
    We will send out a newsletter via email. This will give details of the menu, new items, and anything news related to our business. There will be exclusive deals/coupons anyone who reads the emails can get too. This gives us a large platform to get word out of our business.
  • Product Samples

    Product Samples
    Every week we will have a new drink that anyone can sample 1 time in a small size. We will have a stand outside the shop with a sign on it so anyone passing by can learn about it as well. This is a good way to build off of the initial traffic builder to grow our audience before really selling to them more.
  • Incentives (Contests/Sweepstakes)

    Incentives (Contests/Sweepstakes)
    We will give away 20 $25 gift cards to random customers that download our app. This will make people download our app and have a reason to then come in and try our products. From this point, many people that may already just know of us and go occasionally can turn into customers that come here more often.
  • Coupon Plans

    Coupon Plans
    This promotional strategy allows us to directly get our name in the hands of the customers and for them to have a big incentive to go to our shop.
  • Coupons

    Coupons will be for 25% off a full week of anything the customer buys. We will distribute them in bags of every order from our cafe, in local newspapers, and local mailings. I think this is a good way to get the people that already go here to stay going here and bring consistent revenue.