Screenshot 2020 10 22 at 9.06.05 am

“Pure Soul Promotional Plan – Josh Lewitzke”

  • At school announcements/flyers

    At school announcements/flyers
    We will make flyers that we can post throughout the school along with having our coupons reminded to the students each morning during the announcements. This will get the attention of our in-school customers and allow them to feel motivated to get the festival and better the school they go to every day.
  • Period: to

    Coffee Coupon

    Raise $15,000 for the school
  • Assembly at School

    Assembly at School
    We will hold an assembly at the local high school to let the kids know about our plan to raise $15,000 for the school and that if we reach our goal we will hold a festival in the summer.
  • Coffee Sampler

    Coffee Sampler
    We will be displaying our new coffee flavors for people to try at our restaurant with live music playing. The goal is to get people into our restaurant and excited about our new flavors while also telling them about our coupons and fundraiser plan through signs and the live band will stop to remind multiple times through the night.
  • Movie Night

    Movie Night
    We will bring our restaurant to the Highschool. We will have our food and drinks open for sale at the concession stands while we play a movie on the Highschool scoreboard. This will bring the people back to the roots of why we are doing this.
  • Facebook

    Facebook is where a lot of our target market customers are when it comes to online interaction. Putting our ads and the plan to raise money for the school on Facebook with a picture of our coffee cup will gain the attention of our target market that is outside of the high school.