40 months
Content: Jones uses 1000-1500 words & understands 1500-2000 words
Understands relation words
Example : Understands words like "hot & cold" or "hard & soft"
Form: Refining his articulation skills.
Using 5 words to make up sentences.
Use of pronouns and adverbs.
Example : Saying sentences like "Daddy's hitting the hammer outside" (subject-verb-object-adverb).
Use: Begins using primitive narratives.
Able to fix conversational mistakes.
Example : "My mom stayed home and sleep in" -
44 months
Content: Understands basic kinship terms.
Syntactic information is used to understand meanings of new words.
Example : Understands the basic concept of family members (kinship) such as "That's grandma","That's grandpa", etc.
Form: Knows most consonants.
Use of articles.
Use of past, present & future tense.
Uses contractions.
Example : "We went to the park" (past tense)
Use: Understands indirect request and pointing. -
48 months
Content:Uses animacy info to gain new word meanings
Overextend new words
Reflexive pronouns (himself/herself)
Example:"That's a truck & that's a truck" (learning the word truck and calling all cars trucks)
Form: Combines 4-7 words in a sentence
Uses contractible & uncontractible aux
Use less phonological processes
Example:Weak-syllable deletion & cluster reduction
Use:Uses interpretive,logical,participatory & organization functions.
True narratives
Example:"One day, I went to the park & played" -
52 months
Content: Use of 'wh' questions
Example : "What does that mean?"
Form: Uses subordination and coordination in sentences.
Use of irregular plural forms.
Intelligible connected speech.
Mastered all consonants but still struggles with using them in the correct contexts.
Example : "Men","Children" (irregular plurals) Jones asked mom “When are we going to the park?”
Use: Use of indirect request. -
56 months
CONTENT: Uses 1500-2000 words & understands 2500-2800 words.
Use of deictic words (this/that)
FORM: Combines 5-8 words in a sentence.
Favors letters that make up his name.
Struggles with later developed sounds.
Persisting phonological processes (substitution)
USE: Uses narratives w/ events but cannot establish main characters.
Example: Jones is starting preschool soon, and is conversing with his dad about how he will make friends and what he needs to take to school.