My Technology Timeline

  • Family's First Big Screen TV

    Christmas of 1998 my family purchased our first Big Screen TV. I remember standing in awe of this beast, as it was much larger than 7 year old me. Image from
  • Y2K Scare

    Y2K Scare
    The "Millennium Bug" had the nation fearful for the stroke of midnight. I remember ads on TV, constant news updates on how to "prepare" for the failure of numerous hardware and software systems. I remember the true panic that the internet would crash, there would be widespread power outages, and banks wouldn't be able to access or view accounts. Image from Time Magazine.
  • USB replaces floppy disc

    USB replaces floppy disc
    In 2000, the arrival of USB drives replaced the floppy disc. This technology offered a much more portable and convenient way to store documents and information. Image from Insider.
  • Laptop Carts Arrive at Middle School

    Starting my seventh grade year, my school had just obtained it's first "cart" of laptops that classrooms could reserve for student use. This eliminated the need for multiple computer labs and difficulty reserving time.
  • My First Cellphone

    My First Cellphone
    Summer of 2005, I finally convinced my mom I "needed" a cellphone and she caved. This beautiful Nokia flip phone sparked a lifelong relationship with constant "connection" to others. It is important to note that it did have "internet capability" but we all remember the immediate fear of accidentally accessing the web and the insane charges that followed. Image from Wikipedia.
  • First Personal Computer

    First Personal Computer
    I received my first personal computer as a gift following my high school graduation. Up to this point, a shared family computer was all I had ever known. The freedom, accessibility, and portability of a laptop made college even more exciting.