My Reading History

  • Reading Circle

    Reading Circle
    Throughout kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade my teachers would get all the students in one spot and they would read out aloud to us.
  • Reading buddies

    Reading buddies
    In our kindergarten class we were paired up with 5th graders. Every Friday they would come in and read to us.
  • NO David!

    NO David!
    No David! Was one of my favorite books as a kid, even before I had learned to read. Many of my teachers would read this book to me.

    IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE, is another one of my favorites. This book was read to me many times by teachers and older students until I learned how to read it on my own.
  • Leap Frog

    Leap Frog
    Leap Frog is a small IPad looking device that you would put books in and it would read the book out aloud to you. This device included a small pen for you to follow along, and if you didn't understand a word or couldn't pronounce it, you could point to the word and it would read it out aloud.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Annextine

    Mr. and Mrs. Annextine
    Mr, Annextine was my third grade teacher. Mr. Annextine and his wife quickly noticed that I was having trouble reading, and writing and put me into the ELL program. This couple provided me with a lot of help from the 3rd grade until I left for Middle school.
  • ELL Program

    ELL Program
    I was put into the ELL program in the 3rd grade, by the fourth grade I passed a small test and was able to leave the program. The ELL program was very helpful to me. I would go a couple times a week for about an hour during my regular class time. 2004-2006
  • Library

    Throughout my middle school years I enjoyed going to the library and getting a new book every couple of weeks. This helped me a lot with my reading and grammar. 2007-2008
  • Ms. Gilespie

    Ms. Gilespie
    Ms. Gilespie was one of my 8th grade teachers. She was such a great and inspiring teacher. One of the reasons why I wanted to become a teacher was because of her. Ms. Gilespie's lesson plans were always interesting and connected to real life somehow. Ms. Gilespie made reading very fun in her classroom.
  • Of Mice and Men

    Of Mice and Men
    Of Mice and Men was my favorite book in High School. I get goose bumps every time I read the book. The first time I read the book I was not expecting the ending, and It made me look into more books like it.