Linh's family timeline

  • Vuong Cong Nguyen married Tran Thi Thanh Dung

    They feels happy but worry because they need to start a completely different life.
  • I was born

    My parents' very happy cause I was their first child
  • My mom realized she have another baby

    My mom worried because I was still very small
  • My first time come to the hospital

    The reason that make me come to the hospital is I am allergy of medicine. My parents were scared and I am worried.
  • My younger brother was born

    My mom was happy and worried, she worried because she need to feed 2 babies. She happy because the baby is a boy.
  • My sister, Boi Linh was born

    Boi Linh birthday is same as me 9/10
  • We start to go around the world, we begin at Korean

    It's very cold at there, I can properly breath out smoke.
  • We visit Singapore

    There're a lion can splish out water and have a fish tail. Amazing
  • We come to Japan

    Over there have such a pretty blossoms flowers, wow!
  • We come to Taiwan

    This place is very rich and I can see desert, it is beautiful.
  • We visit Australia

    At here I can see Kangaroos and Koalas...
  • We go to Dubai

    This'is the place that I can ride on a camel, amazing!