My Birth
Period: to
participate in 2 sports during highschool
Sports are one of my favorite things becaue it keeps me out of trouble and i really enjoy them -
Make an honors class
Its important because when colleges look at my grades they wil see that i was in honor classes -
Get a girlfrined for highschool
Having a girlfriend for highschool is important because its what highschoolers do so thats why i wanted one and it ended up being a great experience -
Get moved up to sophmore for football as a freshmen
I mean we just came off a championship the year before and if i got moved up it proved to myself that i was the real deal to my peers and it happened -
Dont recieve an F my entire highschool career
Its important because it looks really good for colleges to let them know that i havent failed any coarses i have token -
Get moved up for sports in highschool
Like i said before being brought up a level helps you mature with the atmosphere on the other levels which is imprtant to me to get the expierence becaue football matters to me -
Break/set records for the niles west track team
Its a self goal that means alot to me because a record is something that will last if not broken leaving behind a achievement of what i have done -
Recieve a scholarship to play somewhere for a sport
Because playing sports at a collegint level is something most people dont get a chance to doand could be one of the ways i go to college -
Join the Marines if there is no scholarship
Its going to shape me into a better citezen within this society teaching me valuable life lessons while also giving back to the country with the freedom its blesses everybody with -
Be a walk on for a spoert if i go to college
because walking on to a sport is such a cool experience going into the try outs knowing that your out there by yourself because you havent recieved a scholarship so if i make it it is a huge deal and accomplishment to me -
Graduate college and be certified to become a P.E teacher
graduating college is important because i would be the first one out of my siblings to do so and it would help me get that much closer to becoming a gym teacher -
After the marines get my CDL for being a garbage man
it is important because its one of the few requirements to become a garbage man -
Get a solid job as a P.E teacher
i love gym so i belive that i would make a good gym teach and its something that i can my self doing for the rest of my life -
Own a condo in chicago
its a big step up from where i began and having a place with where im from is good because i can visit my family because most of them are in the area -
Become a Coach for football and baseball at the school ill be teaching at
its important because i love sports and its a good way to pass time when having a job also it lets you see kids mature into young men with their leadership roles -
Get a girl who can be mine and begin a Family
its important to me to find a girl who can help me begin a family and be there to hekp me when things get rough and she should know i would do the same for her -
Start coaching my kids sports as a hobby to see them happy
Its important to me because i want to be able to give my kids happyness and not see them down and this is going to be fun to watch them grow at a sport -
Reitire from my job happily
I want to be able to walk away from working oneday so i can relax for the rest of my life without havig work to spend time on other imprtant things -
Own a summer home to go to with my family and friends
Because it shows a place that i can go to with family and friends to have a good time and to have as place to kick it and relax -
Still be with my wife and happily married
its important because it shows that this girl was the right one and its good for our children because seperation between parents could hurt the kids -
Be able to see my grandkids
I want to see what my kids have done with themselfs and see them start their own family -
Keep in contact with my brothers
Me and my 2 brothers have been bestfirends growing up and weve shared alot of experiences together so it would be nice to keep in touch with them -
Still be with my wife that i first married
Its important because its hard to find someone that will last long with ou and if it only takes one wife to have that then she really is the one -
be able to see the accomplishments in my life
Because it will help me ease the fact of death seeing the stuff i did with the time that was given to me on this earth