middle ages 300C.E to 1500C.E

  • 313

    Roman Emperor Constantine legalizes Christianity

  • 410

    The Goths conquer Rome

  • 476

    Roman Empire ends

  • 527

    Justinian & Theodora start their rule of the Byzantine Empire

  • 570

    Birth of the Prophet Muhammad

  • May 6, 1066

    William of Normandy conquers England (Battle of Hastings)

  • May 6, 1070

    End of the Viking raids

  • May 6, 1096

    The first Crusade begins

  • May 6, 1169

    Saladin becomes Sultan and starts winning the war against the Crusaders

  • May 6, 1170

    Murder of Thomas Beckett

  • May 6, 1205

    Eleanor of Aquitaine dies

  • May 6, 1215

    King John signs the Magna Carta

  • May 6, 1255

    Nicolo & Maffeo Polo completes their journey to China

  • May 6, 1327

    The Hundred Years’ War begins

  • May 6, 1347

    The Black Death strikes Europe

  • May 6, 1400

    Geoffrey Chaucer completes the Canterbury Tales

  • May 6, 1415

    The Battle of Agincourt

  • May 6, 1429

    Joan of Arc begins her campaign against the English

  • May 6, 1492

    Christopher Columbus sails across the Atlantic

  • May 6, 1500

    End of the Middle Ages

  • Clovis becomes ruler of the Franks 481 C.E.

  • Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne

  • Feudalism begins

  • The first Viking raid on England