

By M Gavin
  • day i was born

    day i was born
    I was born from my mom, and i was born in chicago,Illinois oak lawn.
  • Period: to

    when i was born and i die

    I will be old.
  • Which subject?

    Which subject?
    I would love to take advanced art because im super creative, and i love art.

    Three goals i hope to achieve before graduation, are to graduate, get good grades, and try my best to get the gym award.

    I would love to go to shepard because they have a great baseball team. And i love to play baseball.
  • Classes im taking

    Classes im taking
    Im going to be in art and try my hardest to be in advanced art.
  • Average

    I want to have a 3.5 GPA. So i can make into a good college.
  • Baseball

    I want to be on the shepard astro team.
  • Graduation

    Two obstacles that i have to face are maybe i might not even graduate and i have to get in to a good college.
  • Bucket List

    Bucket List
    I want to drafted right out of college. I want to get on the best team i can get on. Hopefully on the White Sox.
  • After high school plans

    After high school plans
    I will be attending Notre Dame. I want to be an MLB player for the Chicago White Sox. I want my salary cap to be about 1 million to about 2 million. I will go for two years and i might get drafted.
  • Signifacant Day

    Signifacant Day
    I want to have my mom and grandma to be there when i graduate. That would make me feel happy to see that they are supporting me.
  • Bucket List

    Bucket List
    I want to have 1 kid with a beautiful wife. And i want to have my mom and family to see our wedding.
  • Bucket List

    Bucket List
    I want to travel to New York before i die. I want to do it while im young so i can have fun.
  • Bucket List

    Bucket List
    Before i die i want to spend the rest omf my life with my family. So that complete my LIFE!!

    The age i hope to live to is 95 years old. If i live to 95 thats a good life. Hope it will last that long.