Prenatal influence- fertility treatment
My mom had a hard time getting pregnant with me. They tried for 6 years. My mom went on a fertility drug to boost her hormones to become pregnant with me. -
Prenatal influence- regular doctor visits
My mom saw a doctor on a regular basis while pregnant with me. She had regular checkups. She also had to see a doctor on a regular basis because of the fertitlity treatment she was on. They wanted to make sure she was healthy and I was healthy and growing good. -
Birth to 2- first word
My first word was "mama." It came at about 7 months. My mom said that I picked up on words pretty fast and could form somewhat sentences in this time period. -
Birth to 2- first steps
I took my first steps 3 weeks before my first birthday. This is when my mom said that I was fully able to support myself and walk for a couple steps. I liked to run around the house as well and didn't crawl much after that. -
Birth to 2- insecure attachment
My mom said that I was not a secure attached baby. I never wanted to be left alone. I would cry if someone left me. I slept in my parent's bed for quite some time. This follows Erikson's psychosocial tasks with infancy. She always nurtured me but I didn't like when she left. -
2 to 5- started preschool
I began preschool at the age of 3. I just made the cut off time with my birthday being in August. I did 2 years of preschool. I also had to be potty trained before preschool which I accomplished a few weeks before I started. -
2 to 5- Baby brother on the way
When I was 4 years old, I found out that I was getting a baby brother. I was very excited to get a little sibling. Once he came, I was excited but I also still wanted to be the center of attention because I wanted to be the only child still. -
2 to 5- Began sports
At age 4, I began tee ball. I also was involved with soccer at this age. Around this time, I began to explore with sports and never looked back. I am still involved with sports to this day. I think that this helped me grow as a person with my social and mental aspects. -
5 to 12- Imagination
When I was in my younger years of elementary school, I had the typical imagination every child did. I played the make up games on the playground with my friends. I got in arguments with them because I didn't want to see their viewpoint on the game we were playing. This plays into one of Piaget's stages with pretending and not grasping other people's thoughts. I did not have a sense of logic yet. -
5 to 12- Industrious
I was always a good student in school. I had really high confidence and always got good grades. My parents were good at instilling confidence in me during this time period of my life. They supported me and helped me with my work during my elementary school. This also follows Erikson's tasks. I did not feel inferior at all in school or to friends. -
5 to 12- anxiety problems
I started facing some anxiety problems at this point in my life. I had to go to counseling for them. This issue started when my mom had to travel on a trip for work to Europe. I started fearing something would happen. My mind was jumping to conclusions and thinking of every possible thing that could go wrong. My mom thought the best way to talk about it was to see a couselor. My mom also suffers from some minor anxiety. -
12 to 18- Puberty
Around 8th grade when I was 12 and 13, I started to hit puberty. This is when I began my menstrual cycle and started to show more prominent girl features. This is a time where I started to build more relationships and became closer to my peers. I also went through emotional changes during this time. -
12 to 18- Driver's License
I got my driver's license a few days after my 16th birthday. This was a very exciting time in my life. I felt like I had started to become independent and learn more about myself. I was able to make my own decisions and smart ones with that. -
12 to 18- Excelled in School
I was always a student that took higher and harder classes. I was a deep thinker. I was a straight A student. I cared a lot about my grades and worked hard for them. My teachers often complimented me about them. I became a more abstract and critical thinker. -
12 to 18- Committed to play softball at FLC
In November of my senior year of high school, I committed to play softball at FLC. This time of my life was really exciting because I was getting offers from colleges and was at my peak level in softball. My self esteem was very high at this point. -
12 to 18- Graduated High School
I graduated highschool in the top 12% of my class on this day. This is one of my favorite moments from my life so far. It felt really good to see what I had accomplished so far in life and what more I had to look forward to. -
12 to 18- Started college
I began my college education at Fort Lewis College. I am playing on the softball team. I'm majoring in Exercise Science and am pretty set on the path I want to take with my career. I entered my adolesence age of Erikson's tasks. I was never homesick at all my freshman year. I never isolated myself from others.