First Family visit to Antigua
Start writing down the dream for 'Kids Resorts'
Start of developing the concept based on the dream I have had on Kids Resorts. The development often took place on my sailing yacht the Chang Shou. -
Visit ITB Berlin
First Location Visits on Antigua & Barbuda
We've visited 15 sites resulting in a shortlist of three locations. -
Unofficial launch and starting date of project 'Kids Resorts'
From this date René Vetter started to work full time on the project. -
Feng Shui research shortlist sites Antigua
Koen van Biesen Stunning report from Koen van Biezen about most ideal locations on Antigua. -
Kids Resorts now called Mamayoyo
Visit Architect Peter Vetsch in Zürich
About Peter Vetsch Known for his eco friendly architecture and Earthhouses. -
First calculations for investment by Basalt
Visit Antigua with Rens. Location inspections and meeting officials.
Introduction to Bruce Baxter
Bruce Baxter is a local 'owner representative' and a hospitality consultant. Bruce introduced us to Harold Lovell, Minister of Finance. Although he has good contacts, there was something keeping us from assigning him. -
Introduction to Minister of Finance Harold Lovell
Harold Lovell is the former Minster of Tourism. In 2007 he closed a deal with BAP (Willy Bermello) on the site of Valley Church. A 200 room hotel would be developed on the 10 acres site of Valley Church. It has been said that the hotel would be operated by InterContinental. Harold Lovell says: Who shows money first can develop Valley Church. -
Introduction to ABIA (Antigua and Barbuda Investment Authority)
First meeting with the responsible people from this Government agency to present our plans. The possibility to produce own energy and water has been discussed and wouldn't cause big problems. ABIA would be willing to cooperate to obtain the right permits. -
Update shortlist now including "Valley Church 2"
Final list of potential sites for Mamayoyo Antigua. -
Start working on brand & identity Mamayoyo
In cooperation with Dutch designer Tanja Soeter -
Introduction to Jan Roersma
Meeting Hans Meijer and Michael Levie
Both introduced by Andre Schoonenwolf who is assigned as engineer. Hans Meijer is a hospitality consultant and Michael Levie is founder (with KRC capital) of CitizenM hotels. -
Visit Antigua to determine location and prepare deal
Introduction to Fisheries Department
in order to get better info on coatal erosion, sea life, wetlands at Valley Church. -
Introduction to OBMI
International architects with local branch on Antigua. Brian d'Ornellas has been a good advisor to the development and introduced us to John Maginley (Minister of Tourism) and the Prime Minister. -
Introduction to John Maginley, Minister of Tourism
Meeting Klaas van Lookeren Campagne van KRC Capital
Introduction to Rabobank International
Briefing pitch to 4 architects Masterplanning Valley Church
Paul de Ruiter, OBMI, Robertson Ward, and Peter Vetsch were invited for the pitch. Peter Vetsch resigned due to distance of project. -
Jan Roersma assigned to Mamayoyo
Assignment Matt Norton as our lawyer on Antigua
Visit Antigua with Jan Roersma to inspect the Valley Church site and prepare the MOU
Preparation of MOU: proposal to Government of Antigua
Together with Matt Norton, laywer at Parker Poe, Jan Roersma, Brian d'Ornellas and Frank van Nieuwburg. -
Introduction to local PWC office, Charles Walwyn.
Proposal of MOU to Government
Proposal handed over and send to Ministers Maginley (Tourism), Lovell (Finance) and Baldwin Spencer (PM) -
Assignment Karst IJtsma as calculator, construction and local project manager
Karst also helps developing the calculations for the business plan. -
Introduction to Roger Lips
Talking about concept, plan, Antigua, need for equity -
Albert Marseille joins Mamayoyo as CFO and founder.
Last visit to Antigua
Trying to get response from Government. Meeting the PM toghether with Brian d'Ornellas. Disappointed visit. No real meetings, no deal, no progress. Ministers were hiding... -
Introduction to Andy Dickson Scotia Bank Antigua
Introduction to PM Baldwin Spencer
Meeting with Brian d'Ornellas and Baldwin Spencer to discuss the MOU, the waiting for reply, the role of the AG (Justin Simon). PM doesn't see big issues, and refers to the AG to reply. -
Official reply from Government on MOU by the AG Mr Justin Simon
The Attorney General Justin Simon is a friendly man who is pro Mamayoyo. He has never liked the deal with BAP. -
Sending our revised MOU to Government
Rene Vetter and Brian D’Ornellas spoke with Fitzmaurice Christian and he suggested that a purchase price of US$2.7mm for the twenty acres was a fair value of the land and that a lease payment of approximately two to three times the amount we originally set forth in the MOU, which was EC$5,000 per acre, would be adequate based on the new purchase price. Therefore, we increased the lease payment to EC$12,500 per acre—two and half times the original amount. -
Introduction to Isaac Kalisvaart
Claim: Infringment of the trademark MAMA / MAMA SHELTER
We have been asked by the friendly owner of Mama Shelter (a.o. Serge Trigano who has been a founder of Club Med)... to change our name... -
Mamayoyo changes its name into M-Family Resorts
Dear ...Inspired by Andrea del Sarto (Less is more), we announce that today we have changed the name Mamayoyo Family Resorts into M-Family Resorts. After an amicable discussion with the owners of a well known hotel operating company we have come to this decision. The development of M-Family Resorts, like the adventures on Antigua & Barbuda, can now be followed at www.m-familyresorts.com. For further information or questions do not hesitate to contact me or visit our development site.Warm reg -
Meeting John Maginley (Min. of Tourism) in London
We agreed on:A&B Government will provide us the parameters for the development of the site of Valley Church. M-Family Resorts will study these parameters and will adapt our plan in order to approach these parameters. A&B Government will take all required measures to end the contracts concerning the existing joint venture (Valley Church Development Company) so the land and registration of Valley Church will be free to move. A&B Government will sign the proposed MOU
We show proof of funding -
Agreement with John Maginley on revised calculations
We have raised the number of villa's from 60 to 88 which equals 210 hotel rooms. -
Last contact John Maginley concerning a meeting in London
Leaving London without reply.. -
Meeting Isaac Kalisvaart