Luis G vocabulary timeline

  • Ambition

    The Wednesday wars ¨So mr.Guareschi never saw him,Doug Swietecks brother was free to change his inspiration and ambition into reality¨. (Gary D. Shmidt pg 104)
    a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.
  • Protagonist

    Into thin air pg17 It means the main character of a book or movie.
  • Malfunctioning

    page #17 Star wars journal by john peel
    ¨I was even more certain than before that he had to be malfunctioning.¨
    Malfunctioning-means something that goes wrong in a electronic device.
  • Communism

    Memories of Vietnam
    "The soviet Union supported countries that wanted Communism."
    the belief that the people should own equal portions nations land and money.
  • Veteran

    Memories of Vietnam by Schoolastic
    "Richard Ford a Veteran looks back on his first day of vietnam."
    A person who has had a long experience in war.
  • Algebra

    DIary of a wimpy kid Jeff Kenny "But i figure this algebra book could be just the thing i needed to get on his radar " Algebra-A higher level of math involving variables.
  • Poseidon

    The greek gods
    bernard Evslin
    "His brother Poseidon,was god of sea"(Evslin 7)
    Poseidon was a god and the god of sea
  • Flayed

    The Greek gods
    "He flayed Marsyas alive.and nailed his skin to a tree"(Evslin39)
    Flayed-is past tense for peeling skin off
  • Ingenuity

    The greek gods-Bernard Evslin "...swiftness,ingenuity,and cheerfulness that became his favorite father..."(evslin 48)
    this means to be clever and smart.
  • Lyre

    The greek gods page #77
    "...Orpheus and gave him a little golden lyre..."
    Lyre is an instrument that works kind of like a violin.
  • Thracian

    The Greek gods page 77
    "His father was a Thracian king..."
    Thracian means a European language family.
  • Hoarding

    Diary of a wimpy kid - page 23-101
    "it wasnt long before people figured out i was hoarding quality toilet paper, and things fell apart pretty quick;y after that."(Kinney 101)
    It means to hide and or to stash something
  • paranoid

    Diary of a wimpy kid 105-145
    ¨Now everyones so paranoid about getting pantsed That no one will even stand up during our basketball scrimmages.¨(kenney 108)
    Being scared of something.
  • Laden

    Something heavy
  • Criticize

    The boy in the striped pajamas page-58 to 132
    ¨He didnt say anything about this because he knew only too well how unpleasant it was being criticized for something as silly as your heïght...¨(Boyne 132)
    Critiized means to notice something fault.
  • Permanent

    The diary of a wimpy kid page 1-39 "But now im starting to worry that its permanent"(Kinney 39)
    this means to stay a long time or all the time
  • Vulnerable

    The civil war
    "...Which had deemed too vulnerable to assault..."(Archive introduction)
    Means to be defenseless
  • Postponing

    Diary of a wimpy kid the long haul "we ended up postponing our trip to disney so we could visit aunt Loretta"(Kinney 4)
    This means to re-arrange something.
  • Budget

    Diary of a wimpy kid pages 1-76
    "Mom said were on a budget"(kinney 58)
    This means to spend a limited amount of something.
  • Funeral procession

    Funeral procession
    Diary of a wimpy kid page 1-156
    "She said the vehicles behind us were part of a funeral procession"(kinney 145)
    A place of worshiping cemeteries.
  • Expressionless

    Rumble fish page 1-33 "He had an expressionless face."(S.E.Hinton 33) -not conveying any emotion; unemotional.
  • Recklessness

    Rumble fish page 1-
    "Ever since his mother went into the hospital he'd had a funny kind of empty recklessness to him"(Hinton 73)
    This means to have ack of regard for the danger or consequences of one's actions; rashness.
  • Stride (75)

    Stride (75)
    Rumble fish pg 87-98 "He covered a lot of ground with one stride"(Hinton75)
    walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction.
    "he strode across the road"
    synonyms: march, pace, step
    "she came striding down the path"
    cross (an obstacle) with one long step.
    "by giving a little leap she could stride across like a grown-up"
  • Silhouette

    Harry potter and the Deathly hollows "...for the new arrivals to make out his silhouette"(Rowling 21) the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter background, especially in dim light.
  • Ambush

    Diary of a wimpy kid page 55
    1-55 pages
    "me and Rowley have been getting ambushed just about everyday on our walk home from school"(Kinney 55) a surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position.
  • Psychology

    Diary of a wimpy kid pages 1-138
    "...I'd be willing to tutor her for her Psychology test she had later in the week
    Psychology is the science of behavior and mind, embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experience as well as thought. It is an academic discipline and a social science which seeks to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases.
  • Riot

    Diary of a wimpy kid page 1-end
    Diary of a wimpy kid page 1-31
    "... vice principal had to step in to stop it from turning in to a full-scale riot"(Kinney 31)
    a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.
  • Theory

    Diary of a wimpy kid pg 1-
    "I have a theory that oatmeal raisin cookies were invented as a practical joke..."(Kinney 115)
    a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
  • Corduroy

    Diary of a wimpy kid pg 153-End "But it was a mistake to wear flannel pajamas underneath corduroy pants.."(Kinney 240)
    -a thick cotton fabric with velvety ribs
  • interest

    Diary of a wimpy kid pg 0 - 167
    "Im pretty sure manny charges interest ..."(Kinney 163)
    money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent, or for delaying the repayment of a debt.