Linea del tiempo de historia

  • Period: 250,000 BCE to 5000 BCE


    Prehistory is the longest stage of humanity. It covers the time elapsed between the appearance of the human being and the invention of writing. It is difficult to know exactly when the first hominids passed through the Earth, but it is estimated that it was about 3 million years ago. Instead, the first writing system was created 5,000 years ago. If we compare both events, the latter, in historical terms, happened 'very little' time ago.
  • 50,000 BCE

    Fire discober

    Fire discober
    When fire was discovered for the first time, in the sense that it was managed to be tamed, taking advantage of some hot branch after a fire to later maintain and preserve it.
  • Period: 5000 BCE to 576


    The ancient age begins with the invention of writing around 5,000 B.C. and ends with the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the year 576 AD. C. During this time, the first civilizations in the history of humanity appeared, such as the Mesopotamian, the Egyptian, the Greek or the Roman. Thanks to the great milestone of the invention of writing, we can carry out a relatively accurate historiography of the events that occurred, culture, religion and society during this great period of history.
  • 4000 BCE

    Mesopotamian Civilization

    Mesopotamian Civilization
    Between the fertile lands of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the first city-states of humanity arose, about 4,000 years ago.
  • 3200 BCE


    This civilization lasted approximately 3,000 years. On the banks of the Nile they constituted one of the greatest civilizations ever known.
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    Middle Ages

    After the decline of the Roman Empire, around the year 409, Hispania was invaded by Germanic peoples (Alans, Vandals, Suevi and Visigoths) coming from central and northern Europe. The Romans called these peoples barbarians, because they came from outside their borders. Only the Suevi and the Visigoths created kingdoms that lasted over time.
  • 1492

    The fall of the western roman empire

    The fall of the western roman empire
    The Byzantine Empire was reduced to Constantinople. and the Turkish sultan Mehet ll Conquered Constantinople in May 1492 and was renamed Istanbul
  • Period: 1492 to

    The modern age

    With 1492 and 1789 as deadlines, the modern age is the time of great discoveries, of great geographical milestones (such as the circumnavigation of Africa or the first circumnavigation of the world), of the appearance of Protestantism or the birth of capitalism.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    The discobery of America

    The discobery of America
    The navigator Cristobal Colón and his sailors went in search of India. In her abstent they found the american's contitnent.
  • The french revolution

    The french revolution
    You probably know that the French Revolution was one of the great events in world history. It produced a political change in France at the end of the 18th century and served as an example for other countries, which also made social changes and changes in their forms of government years later.
  • Tho Holocaust

    Tho Holocaust
    The Holocaust was the systematic persecution and murder of approximately six million European Jews, organized and sponsored by the Nazi German regime and its collaborators. The Holocaust was a gradual process that took place throughout Europe.