The Highs and Lows in the Life of Leah Myhre

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born at Butterworth Hospital at 7:34pm on October 5, 2006.
  • Started eating real food

    Started eating real food
    I began eating real food when I was a few months old.
  • I started to walk

    I started to walk
    I took my first steps at about 1 year.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    In 2008 the stock market crashed, creating the most severe worldwide economic crisis since the Great Depression.
  • Started swim lessons

    Started swim lessons
    When I was 2 years old I started swim lessons at the YMCA. My grandma would take me to a few of my lessons when my parents were busy.
  • Made my first friend

    Made my first friend
    My sister had 2 friends around her age and they had a younger sister that I quickly became friends with. I am still friends with her to this day.
  • Went Fishing with My Dad

    Went Fishing with My Dad
    When I was 4 I went fishing with my dad for the first time. I learned how to cast the fishing line and had my dad take the fish off.
  • Started kindergarten

    Started kindergarten
    I started kindergarten at 5 years old. I was nervous being away from my parents but I ended up making a lot of friends.
  • Flew for the first time

    Flew for the first time
    We took our first family trip to Florida when I was 6. I liked the flight and had lots of fun.
  • Started dance

    Started dance
    I started dance lessons with my friend Avery at 7 years old. My parents took time out of their day to bring me to and from practice.
  • Started gymnastics

    Started gymnastics
    I began doing gymnastics a few times a week at For The Kidz Gymnastics Center. My parents came to watch sometimes.
  • Did my own laundry

    Did my own laundry
    I began doing my own chores at 9 years old. This included doing the dishes, laundry, vacuum, and mowing the lawn.
  • My sister started high school

    My sister started high school
    My sister started high school in 2017 at Byron Center High School.
  • Hurricane Irma

    Hurricane Irma
    Heavy amounts of rain and winds left more than 7.5 million homes without electricity. Hurricane Irma's damage was estimated at $50 billion.
  • Did basketball

    Did basketball
    I joined the basketball team for a year in 6th grade. My parents and grandparents often came to my games.
  • Sister got her license

    Sister got her license
    My sister turned 16 and got her license so she began driving me to places instead of my parents.
  • COVID pandemic

    COVID pandemic
    Coronavirus was brought to the U.S. in January 2020. March 13, 2020 was the last day of school before the quarantine that kept everyone in hiding and afraid for months.
  • Started tennis lessons

    Started tennis lessons
    I started tennis lessons in 2020 in order to help my chances of making the team. My parents had to take work off to watch my games and take me to practice.
  • First day of high school

    First day of high school
    I started high school in 2021 at Byron Center High School.
  • Drivers training

    Drivers training
    I started drivers training online with Official Driving School with my friend. I got my permit when I was 15 years old.
  • Got my license

    Got my license
    I got my license on my 16th birthday and was able to drive myself to school instead of taking the bus.
  • My great aunt died

    My great aunt died
    on September 6, 2024 my great aunt died in the hospital after being taken off of life support.