Jay, Episode One

  • How Jay and Adnan are related throughout

    Jay was friends with Adnan since middle school.
  • The Second tape is played from another interview between Jay and the Police a couple week after

    Jay talks about his conversation with Adnan before Hae goes missing. He says that Adnan told him he was going to "kill that *****."
  • Jay was "threatened" by Adnan to not go the the police

    I don't know the exact time, but it was mentioned at the end of the episode
  • Jay wasn't at work that day

    Jay goes to the mall with Adnan the same day to go shopping for a gift for his girlfriend. Later, Jay explains "We left the mall. I took him to school. I dropped him off in the back of the school. He went up to class. He left his cell phone in the car with me, told me he'd call me. I went back to my friend Jenn’s house and waited for him to call."
  • Same day, Jay "gets a call from Adnan" in the evening

  • Jay drives to Best Buy and sees Adnan in the parking lot

    Same day. Adnan tells Jay all about what he did and how he supposedly killed her and they go to ditch Hae's car and go out for a drive to smoke and "make some calls." Jay drives Adnan back to school for trash practice.
  • Jay and Adnan supposedly bury Hae's body

    It took them 20-25 minutes to dig the hole and it was around 7:00pm or 8:00pm when they did it.
  • Jay picks up Adnan from Track practice again.

    "They drive around some more. By this time, Hae's family was worried, and they'd called the police, who in turn called a couple of Hae's friends, including Adnan.... Jay says after the call, they drive to Jay's to get some shovels, go retrieve Hae's car from the park and ride. They drive around some more and finally end up at Leakin Park, where Adnan proceeds to bury Hae. It's evening by now, maybe 7:00 or 8:00 PM."
  • The Police had interviewed Jay hours before Adnan was arrested