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Jacob and Jordan

  • First Interaction

    First Interaction
    This is the first time I and Jacob ever met and had a conversation with each other. We clicked instantly.
  • 1st prom

    1st prom
    Jacob and I loved mini-golfing so he asked me to our first prom together at our favorite place to mini-golf.
  • 1 year of dating

    1 year of dating
    We went to our favorite place to eat which is Mexican Food.
  • 2nd prom

    2nd prom
    He asked me when we were at the beach!
  • 2 years of dating

    2 years of dating
    We decided to go to Texas Roadhouse for our anniversary
  • 3rd and final prom

    3rd and final prom
    We went to our final prom together and since he already graduated I had to ask him
  • 3 years of dating

    3 years of dating
    His work payed for us to eat at the country club