Cambodia after Independence

  • Cambodia gained Independence

    The Independence of Cambodia was declared from France on this date. They became the Kingdom of Cambodia
  • Cambodia is a member if the United Nations

    They were granted membership to the United Nations.
  • King Norodom Suramari's Death

    He died five years after he became king. Sihanouk became head of state.
  • Khmer People’s Revolutionary Party

    Its leaders held a three day congress in Phnom Penh
  • Norodom Sihanouk is removed as head of state

    Cambodia's national assembly votes to remove him
  • Sihanouk speaks on a Chinese radio against Lon Nol

    He speaks of a nation wide uprising. This causes violent protests in Cambodia.
  • Sihanouk's supporters kill many people

    They kill Lon Noms' policeman brother and several officials are killed.
  • The Cambodian assembly wants to pass a new constitution.

    They were about to pass it but President Lon Nol suspends the process.
  • President Lon Nol declares a ceasefire

    A ceasefire is declared over Cambodia. This includes a halt to the US bombing runs.
  • Lon Nol's police storm a protest

    Grenades are thrown into the crowed and two people are killed
  • Lon Nol responds to a previous day's event

    He arrests several members of the royal family and prevents assembles.
  • Khieu Samphan meets a Chinese leader

    He is a Khmer Rouge official and he meets Mao Zedong the Chinese leader
  • Long Boret attempts to initiate a ceasefire

    He is the prime minister of Cambodia, but he is ignored.
  • Khmer Rouge forces capture Phnom Penh

    They executed government officials and the prime minister, and surrendered soldiers.
  • Khmer Rouge evacuated the city of Phnom Penh

    They forced the sick, elderly, wounded to leave the city on foot.
  • Khmer Rouge forces invade a island that is Vietnamese

    They claimed the island of Phu Quoc and had it as part of Cambodia
  • Khmer Rouge takes another Vietnamese island

    They take the island of Tho Chu an kills about 500 civilians on the island
  • A Khmer Rouge gunboat takes an American cargo vessel

    They take the SS Mayaguez in the Gulf of Thailand
  • Phu Quoc and Tho Chu are recaptured

    These Islands are recaptured by the Vietnamese from Cambodia
  • Khmer Rough kills many people in the East Zone

    They begin to purge and kill many people int the East Zone
  • Cambodia is beginning to be invaded by Vietnam

    The are invaded because of Political reasons
  • Vietnam takes Phnom Penh

    Because of this the Khmer Rouge moves west and other Cambodians celebrate
  • Vietnamese soldiers are withdrawn from Cambodia

    They are with drawn by the United Nations General Assembly.
  • Peace with Paris

    Peace are signed with Cambodians and many sign it.