1-3 months
• Gross-motor-
2 months: Cycle arms and legs smoothly
3 months: Can move legs and arms together
• Fine-motor-
1 month: Keeps hands fisted or slightly open
2 months: Grasps objects in reflex movements
• Cognitive-
1 month: Prefers to look at human faces and patterned objects
3 months: Begins cooing one syllable, vowel-like sounds: ooh, ah, aw
• Social-
2 months: Quiets in response to being held
3 months: Watches adults’ facial expressions closely
• Emotional-
2 months: Able to show dis -
4 months
• Gross-motor-
Begins to use mitten grasp for grabbing objects near the hands
Looks from object to hands to object
• Fine-motor-
On tummy, can lift head and chest from surface using arms for support
Swipes at objects, gradually improving aim
• Cognitive-
Likes to repeat enjoyable acts like shaking a rattle
Enjoys watching their hands and feet
• Social-
Becomes unresponsive if left alone most of waking hours
Responds to continued warmth and affection
• Emotional-
Expresses delight
Sh -
5-6 months
• Gross-motor-
5 months: On back, can lift head and shoulders off surface
6 months: On tummy, moves by pushing with legs and reaching with arms
• Fine- motor-
5 months: Begins to grasp objects with thumb and fingers
6 months: Holds on objects with both hands
• Cognitive-
5 months: Recognizes and responds to own name
6 months: Varies volume, pitch, and rate while babbling
• Social-
6 months: Enjoys playing with children
6 months: May begin to clinging to a primary caregiver
• Emotiona -
7-8 months
• Gross- motor-
7 months: Crawls awkwardly, combining movements on tummy and knees
8 months: Sits alone steadily for longer periods of time
• Fine- motor-
7 months: Hold an object in each hand
8 months: Is able to pick up small objects
• Cognitive-
7 months: Anticipates events
8 months: likes to empty and fill containers
• Social-
7 months: Shows desire for social contact
8 months: Definitely prefers caregiver to stranger
• Emotional-
7 months: Begins to have a sense of humor
8 month -
9 months
• Gross- motor-
Sits alone
May try to crawl up stairs
• Fine- motor-
Uses index finger to point, lead, and poke
May be able to move along furniture
• Cognitive-
Responds appropriately to a few specific words
Likes to look for contents in a container
• Social-
Shows interest in play activities of others
Preforms for others
• Emotional-
May show a fear of new sounds
May show fear of heights -
10 months
• Gross- motor-
Likes to walk holding caregiver’s hand
Climbs on chairs and other furniture
• Fine- motor-
Can release grasped object instead of dropping
Can stand with little support
• Cognitive-
Speaks first recognizable word
Links specific acts or events to other events
• Social-
Enjoys music and may mimic movements others make to music
Is more aware of and sensitive to other children
• Emotional-
Cries less often
Expresses delight, happiness, sadness, discomfort, and anger -
11 months
• Gross- motor-
Stands alone
Takes off shoes and socks
• Fine- motor-
Is able to stand and pick up objects
Likes to grasp feeding utensils and cup
• Cognitive-
Can point to body parts
Likes to look at pictures in a book
• Social-
Imitates movements of other adults and children
Tests caregivers to determine limits
• Emotional-
Recognizes the difference in good and naughty
Seeks approval and disapproval -
12 months
• Gross- motor-
Climbs up and down stairs
May be able to take clothes off
• Fine- motor-
May show preference for one hand
Walks with one hand held
• Cognitive-
Puts nesting toys together correctly
Waves goodbye
• Social-
Likes to practice communication with adults
Enjoys playing with siblings
• Emotional-
May have tantrums
Inner determination to walk