Industrial Revolution

  • first industrial revolution

    first industrial revolution
  • Period: to

    First Industrial Revolution

    The artisanal labour changed to industrial production. Factories were built next to rivers and then, when coal appeared they were built on cities. The industrial revolution affected people lifes. Capitalism, economic system based on generating maximum profists was in the industrial revolution.
    -Great Britain was the main country
    -The main energy sources were water and coal
    -The main industrial activities were metallurgy and textiles
  • Richard Arkwright is the first to use Watt’s steam engine to power textile machinery.

  • Edmund Cartwright invents a crude power loom

  • Two Englishmen, William and John Cockerill, bring the Industrial Revolution to Belgium by developing machine shops at Liège.

  • Social opposition to industrialization begins to arise.

  • In the United States Cyrus McCormick invents several machines used to mechanize farming.

  • The United States begins building a transcontinental railroad in 1862 to connect the East Coast with the West Coast.

  • Period: to

    Second Industry Revolution ll

    Main countries: Grain Britain, France, Japan, the United States, Netherlands, Germany and Italy.
    Main energy sources: railroads, large-scale iron and steel production.
    Main industrial activity: they used a lot the factories to produce cars, because, cars were very important.
  • Period: to

    Second Industrial Revolution l

    The capitalism system was previously established. The industrial production was also diversified. Like Great Britain, other countries adopted the new methods.
    They make new machines to increase the speed of production. The invention of combstion engine increas up the production of the cars, that is a factor very important.
    In many Western countries the industry is the most important economic activity (social and political). Are different social classes.
  • Alexander Graham Bell patents his telephone.

  • In 1879 Thomas Edison introduces the modern age of light when he invents the incandescent lightbulb.

  • Second Industrial Revolution

  • Third industrial revolution

    Third industrial revolution
  • Period: to

    Third industrial revolution

    Modern industry is characterised by the automation to production processes, in which information technology, robotics are essential. Industries require manual labour but, at the same time, can produce more products with more variations. There is now intense competition between companies. Fast distribution to products are essential for a company's success, as its capacitiy for innovation. Now, the factors, information or knowledge are now more important than the manufacturing process.
  • Ethernet

    Ethernet is invented, the first system for the transmission of information between computer systems.
  • Web page

    The first web page is created by Tim Berners Lee