Industrial Revolution

  • Seed Drill

    In 1701 Jethro Tull invented the seed drill, it improved growing crops.
  • Thomas Newcome

    Thomas Newcomen creates the steam engine. Later on, James Watt makes a numerous amount of improventments to the Newcome engine in 1769.
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    Textiles and Steams

    In 1793, the cotton gin came into place by a man named Eli Whitney.
  • Flying Shuttle

    John Kay invents the flying shuttle.
  • James Hargreaves

    James invents the spinning jenny.
  • Mr. Arkwright

    Richard Arkwright patents the water frame
  • Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin.
  • Robert Fulton begins steamboat transportation.

    After all the inventions were made, Fulton starts steamboat transportation on the Hudson River.
  • George Stephenson begins rail service

    Stephenson's invention helped make transportation easier from Liverpool to London
  • Period: to

    Spread of the Industrial Revolution

    During this time period the Industrial Revolution Spread to America and further than just Europe.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel F.B. morse invents the telegraph. The telegraph was a way of sending messages across a distance along a wire.
  • Steamship Service

    Samuel Cunard begins a transatlantic steamship service.
  • Henry Bessemer

    A man named Henry Bessemer invents the Bessemer converter which molten iron is changed into steel.
  • Oil in America!

    The first oil well is drilled into Pennsylvania.
  • Union Strikes

    Britain gives rights to labor unions to strike and revolt.
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    Electricty and Chemicals

    In the late 19th and early 20th century famous inventors like Smaul F.B. Morse, Alexander Graham, Thomas Edison, Rudolf Diesel, and The Wright Brothers played a big part in the Industrial Revolution.
  • Our main way of communication is invented

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone.
  • Let there be light!

    Mr. Edison invents the indandescent light bulb. An indandescent light bulb is a bulb that is producing light from being heated.
  • Rudolf Diesel

    Rudolf patents the diesel engine.
  • Oh, the places you'll go!

    The Wright Brothers make the first successful airplane flight.