Important American Documents

  • Charters of the Virginia Company of London

    Charters of the Virginia Company of London
    documentThe Virginia Company of London guaranteed full English rights to colonists, written by King James
  • Virginia Declaration of Rights

    Virginia Declaration of Rights
    documentThe Virginia Declaration of Rights was the model for the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments of the Constitution. Written by George Mason
  • The Declaration of Independance

    The Declaration of Independance
    DocumentThe Declaration of Independance affirmed certain "unalienable rights" to all people. Written by Thomas Jefferson.
  • Virginia Statute For Religous Freedom

    Virginia Statute For Religous Freedom
    DocumentThe Virginia Statute For Religous Freedom basis for the first amendment that stated religous rights Written by: Thomas Jefferson
  • Articles Of Confederation

    Articles Of Confederation
    DocumentThe Articles of Confederation Were the first form of goverment, It was proved a very weak goverment
    2nd continental congress
  • Constitution

    DocumentThe Constitution establishes the structure of the us goverment

    equality under the law with majority rule
    By: constitutional convention