
Immigration Project: Natasha Romanoff

  • On the Subject of Having Decided to Move

    On the Subject of Having Decided to Move
    I have decided to move to America. To begin with, there is much more money there. Supposedly, there is also freedom of religion, and, more importantly, no tsar. They do not try so hard to shield us from the truth. I think that the deciding factor is my good friend Clint Barton, an immigrant from Ireland currently residing in America. I am not naive, I know that immigrants often go hungry in America, but it would at least be nice to starve with someone else, and not alone.
  • I am Now in America, and Married

    I am Now in America, and Married
    Rather unexpectedly, it turned out to be a requirement to be married or have a relative in the States to be allowed to enter them. Seeing as all of my family is still in Russia, and I had yet to be wed, I met neither of fhem. Clint, who had come to meet me, agreed to marry me right there, because returning to Russia already sseemed impossible. After the impromptu wedding, I was allowed into the country. My name is now Natasha Barton, and not Romanoff.
  • I May Have Made a Terrible Mistake

    I May Have Made a Terrible Mistake
    As it turns out, living in America is not so wonderful. To begin with, the apartment in which Clint and I live is awful. There is hardly enough space for the both of us. When I lived in Russia, my home was only a bit larger, but I did not have to share it. Clint is hardly ever there, because he spends most of his time working. The very Union itself is falling apart. If there were at least a beach with rising tides, I may have been able to see a larger difference from my life in Russia.
  • On Where Sweatshops Get Their Names

    On Where Sweatshops Get Their Names
    I have begun work at a sweatshop. Clint, in that affectionate way of his, joked that I was like a Black Widow, in that I took what I wanted and left my mate dead. He now refuses to stop calling my by that name, Black Widow, though I have gotten a job to assist in our daily living. Speaking of, the work is terrible. I work all day for almost no money.. I sweat, and they pay me for it. .The manager could be taken for Satan- or by him, for all I care. America is not so wonderful.
  • The Grass is Greener on the West Side

    The Grass is Greener on the West Side
    We have to move again. I despise it here. The tenement is far too small, and we are barely making enough money to buy new clothes. Everywhere you go, there are so many people- too many. In the west, there is much more open land. I hardly think the land could be very expensive, when they have so much of it. I've also heard that they're much more neutral about the civil war currently going on. It's still in America, but it's all quiet on the western front- mostly, anyway. I pray to God we'll move.
  • A Law Passed by God Himself

    A Law Passed by God Himself
    I've done it! I've convinced Clint to move with me to the west. It helped that there would be more free range for him to practice his archery. He's wonderful at that. Mostly, what got him to agree was this new law, passed only yesterday, that says that they will give us land for free. I could hardly believe it; our luck was perfect. We plan to set off as soon as we save up enough money to purchase a wagon and supplies.
  • At Last

    At Last
    Finally, we are ready to begin our journey into mystery- or, as some call it, the west. We worked longer hours, and Clint took an extra job. He hardly slept for months, but it was worth it. We found a wagon as well. It isn't a very good wagon, but the owner was willing to sell it for almost any price, because he needed any money he could find to feed his family. We set off soon, very soon. I won't have to work in that wretched sweatshop for very much longer.
  • On the Spirit of Holiday Cheer

    On the Spirit of Holiday Cheer
    Christmas was two days ago. I could hardly find something to give Clint, nor him me, but we did manage to find an income. It is nothing permanent, nor is it by any means stable, but it is money nonetheless. Clint, being as good as he is at archery, has learned to hustle at archery. He makes it look effortless and then destroys all who compete against him. I have given him the name Hawkeye, in part as payment for Black Widow, but also because it is true. This may have been my favorite Christmas.
  • Settling

    Clint and I are settled now in the west. We have found jobs as servants. It is not ideal, but it is a nice house and provides well.The family was very reluctant to hire me at first, because Irish women are known to make the best maid, ans works very cheaply; I may be married to an Irish man, but I myself am not, technically speaking, Irish. They agreed when I proved my worth and Clint and I both agreed to work for even less pay than the usual for immigrants. It's not a bad life.
  • конец

    Clint and I have moved into our own house. Assembling it in the cold, he was a sort of winter soldier, a man of iron. You wouldn't like him when he's angry, but that isn't often, so we generally live a peaceful life, devoid of any real thunderous storms. He can be, however, quite a trickster. We still work for the Bellamys, of course, but we no longer live with them. It's much better than in Russia, or in the east. I enjoy this life. I am happy.