what was it abouut
It was about that there is a earth uuake and the lava is making it hot and making the earth quake more terrible and the lavagood t nakes it worse and the good things which will help you s lot is raideo pet bottle which is useful -
how i kept my notes
I kept it by oraginzing the key words on one section and the other things on the other section so it will be easier for me to know where is where and here is here. -
what did we do
We were werting the words we knew for the disater one and after we did that we were making the poaster into easy words for the grade 1 and 2 kids so they understand what we are talking about and while we were doing that one of the group team came up and wrote the words in the big paper and take turns of writing -
what will we study
we studied some new words which is inportant in the natural disater project and searching in the books in the back and getting ideas so that it will be easier for us to think of new words and the words you know and i was helped when i didn,t know the words when it was difficult -
what parts of the inquiry cycle did we do
theparts were that we were we were risk takerr because we tried our best to find the words whichis contected to our project and did some reaserch with books that conects with the project. -
why we did this
we did this because if we didn,t know these important things than you will be in danger if you dodn,t know the safety and you could learn what was like long time ago when you were still not here -
why did we do this
we did this because we could knowwhat was like long time ago when we were still not here and we could know the safteyrules of escaping from here and new information that we didn,t know the first time so we did this -
what did we do
we were watching some videos on the natural disaters because we could learn about what happened long time ago when we were still not here and how they ecapoed and how the uliding were damaged because for the earth quake and the tusnami -
what i did in rearch
My question was what dangerous things will come and how to servive because i have finished the other questions and it was little difficult for me and also i was writing what is the disater how they work and how it happens mr.primeau told me to do it first it is inportant for the other questions and it was difficult becasue you need to put a lot of detail in the questions so it will be easier. -
what i did today in rearch
My topic was what dangerous things will come and how the people will serive when there is a natural disater where they hide or how they could find their parents.In time it was 80 mintues and i didn,t waste my time .i didn,t play a lot i was thinking the questions insted of playing and of corse my group too. They were not playing and getting to work insteed of playing ,not getting to work. I need to work on using more books that has a lot of information that conects my questions a -
what did i do
I did the main questions insted of the other questions also i was searching the disater thathow does it i choose and what is the disater how it happens and how does it affect people. I was not wasting time playing with my firends and just thinking of the questions -
how does what i learned connect to my world
It conects by I had some disaters tha t happened in real life and when i go to science class i wm taking about the natural disaters and i have a book of it so i could read it to get information or in the computer to search for iformation that i need to add on mypaper -
what will i do tommorw
tommorw i will keep searching my disater on how does it look like with cheaking in the book so it will be clear for me the inforation that i don,t know before. I will confor more information so that i am ready for my prestion