-Designed by,
Konrad Zuse
-The first high-level non-von Neumann programming language designed for a computer
-Plankalkul is German for, "Plan Calculus"
-First Released 1948 -
-Designed by,
John Backus
-Originally developed for scientific and engineering applications
-Name is derived from, "The IBM Mathematical FORmula TRANslating System"
-First released 1957 -
-Created by a group lead by Charles Katz
-Designed to be better than FORTRAN
-First Released 1957
-MATH-MATIC is just the marketing name for the AT-3 -
-Designed by,
John McCarthy
-Name was derived from, "LISt Processing"
-Originally was a pratical mathematical notation for computer programs and later became a programming language for artificial intelligence
-First Released 1958 -
-Designed by,
-Was a tool used to replicate punched card processing and later a programming language similar to COBOL
-RPG stands for Report Program Generator
-First Released 1959 -
-COmmon Business-Oriented Language
-Designed by,
Grace Hopper
William Selden
Gertrude Tierney
Howard Bromberg
Howard Discount
Vernon Reeves
Jean E. Sammet
-First released 1959
-Used to write programs for businesses. -
-Designed by,
John George Kemeny
Thomas Eugene Kurtz
-First released 1964
-Initially created to provide computer access to non-science students so that they may write programs for the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System.
-Acronym was based off of an unpublished paper by Thomas Kurtz
-The language was free so it would become widespread and also was made available to high schools in the Hanover area of New Hampshire. -
-A multi-paradigm programming language used in education
-Designed by,
Wally Feurzeig
Seymour Papert
-Another name for this was Lisp without the parentheses
-Firt Released 1967 -
-Develped by,
Ken Thompson
Dennis Ritchie
-First released 1969
-Based mainly off of the programming language BCPL
-Was made so it could fit within the memory capacity of the minicomputers -
-Designed by,
Niklaus Wirth
-Created to encourage good programming practices
-Named in honor of the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal
-Firt Released 1970 -
-Designed by,
Robin Milner
-A general-purpose programming language
-ML is sometimes referred to as impure functional language
-First Released 1973 -
-Designed by,
Dennis Ritchie
-First released 1973
-Designed for cross-platform programming
-Named C because its features were derived from B -
-Designed by,
Donald D. Chamberlin
Raymond F. Boyce
-SQL stands for Structured Query Language
-Made for managing data in relational database management systems
-First Released 1974 -
-Designed by,
Bjarne Stoustrup
-First released 1983
-Originally named, "C with Classes" was later changed to C++ which involved a pun towards the increment operator.
-Started off as an enchancement to C -
-Originally designed by Jean Ichbiah under contract to the United States Department of Defense to surpass the progamming languages they used at the time.
-Was named Ada after Ada Lovelace
-High-level computer programming language extended from Pascal and other languages
-First released 1983
-Desgined by,
Jean Ichbiah (Ada 83)
Tucker Taft (Ada 95 & Ada 2005)
-Used for development of large software systems -
Visual Basic
-Designed by,
-Made to be easily learned by beginner programmers
-Visual Basic derives from BASIC
-First Released 1991 -
-Designed by,
Brendan Eich
-First released 1994
-Was originally named, "Mocha, LiveScript" but then later changed to Javascript
-Is an open source scripting language -
-Designed by,
Guido van Rossum
-Design focused on code readability
-Python is a successor to the ABC programming language
-First Released 1994 -
-Designed by,
Rasmus Lerdorf
-An open source server-side scripting language
-PHP stands for Personal Home Page
-First Released 1995 -
-Designed by,
James Gosling
Sun Microsystems
-Named Java because of mass consumption of java caffinated beverages by the language's creator...
-Originally was created for interactive television, but digital cable couldn't handle that awesomeness
-First released 1995 -
-Designed by,
Embarcandero Technologies
-An integrated development environment for console
-The name was suggested by Danny Thorpe in reference to the Oracle at Delphi
-First released 1995