Period: to
History of Computers
Magnetic core memory created
An Wang developes magnetic core memory. This is a very important event because it is the first thing thta helped us save our files on a computer. -
computer mouse
The firsat computer mouse is created and pattented by Douglas Engelbart. This is important because it is a very important discovery that helps make the computer user friendly. -
Flopy-disk is developed.
IBM developed the first Flopy-Disk. This is important because it makes portable memory easier to use and less expensive. -
First pocket calculator
Texas instaments makes the first pocket calculator. It is important because it shows that you can have a computer that can fit in you pocket. -
The first personal computer is advertised.
They advertised the kenbak-1 for $750 in the Scientific American. It had a 256-byte memory. This is a very important event because the Kenbak-1 was the first of the most common types of computers today. -
liqid-crystal displays are introduecd
Liquid-crystal displays are made puplic. This is important because it makes you able to see what you are doing on the computer in a easier fasshion. -
Compact Disk
The frist compact disk is created in the United states. This helps computers save the users files by having a lot more space than other things in the past. -
cell phones are first tested
Cell phones are first tested in Japan and Chicago. This is a super important event because it shows that you can make a computer like device that is super portable. -
first laptop computer
TRS-80 model 10 is the first laptop omputer. This is an important event because it used smaller technologies sucessfuly to create a computer. -
MIcrosoft introduces the idea of not having type comands but to use drop-down menus. This event helps computer move toward the goal of user friendliness.