French revolution

History Assignment 9-1

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    This event is known by most people as the start of the French revolution. Soldiers, mainly former foreign mercenaries stormed the Bastille fortress as a response to what they thought was an attempt toward shutting down the National Constituent Assembly. The mob met little resistance at the Bastille fortress and forced French troops to surrender. This event was a symbol of power and the monarchy's dictatorial rule.
  • Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen

    Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, a character of human liberties was published by the Assembly. This declaration contains the principles which inspired French Revolution. There was one main principle throughout this declaration and it was that all men are born and remain free in equal in rights. With the storming of Bastille, and this declaration, the French Revolution was created.
  • Women's march on Versailles

    Women's march on Versailles
    This march all started by a large crowd of protesters (mostly women) gathered around around Parisian markets. After being told they can't protest in that area, they shifted over from Paris to the Palace of Versailles. They stormed the Palace, killing many guards and forced Louis XVI to go to Paris with the mob to "live among the people". This showed the king the harsh reality on what's really happening throughout his kingdom.
  • Royal Flight to Varennes

    Royal Flight to Varennes
    King Louis XVI became fearful of what protest was going to happen next which led him to be most fearful of what would happen to his family. He decided to leave France and look for shelter in Austria. The whole Royal family fled the Tuileries Palace dressed as servants but were caught, arrested, and brought back to Paris. This imprisonment led to King Louis XVI being executed.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    After king Luis XVI tried to flee to another country, he was looked at as a traitor to many people in France. The King and Queen were put under arrest to cease further violence. Louis XVI was charged with treason and was decapitated. The Queen was also found guilty and guillotined on the same exact day. This changed the whole authority throughout Europe which was a big issue since now there's not a king for France.
  • Declaration of War on Great Britain

    Declaration of War on Great Britain
    Several historians believe this decision was the final blow to the French Monarchy. Not only was France struggling to keep up with Great Britain army wise, they were drowning themselves in debt. They ultimately couldn't afford to keep the war going on. This war was a very important factor on how the French Monarchy fell to its knees.
  • The reign of terror

    The reign of terror
    The reign of terror was essentially a period of time where people were ruthlessly executed all throughout France. This reign ended when Robespierre was taken out of power and killed. There was a group of men called the Committee of Public Safety which where the people who organized the whole period. This was a major setback in equality for France because they didn't equally spread the power throughout the country at all.
  • Execution of Antoine Quentin Fouquier-Tinville

    Execution of Antoine Quentin Fouquier-Tinville
    This execution needed because of all of the injustices he's done. It was a good point in the revolution since many people didn't like the fact he put people to execution during the reign of terror. This event definitely was important for the people of France. This event showed that immoralities aren't tolerated anymore and that France looking to become more of a fair and just nation.
  • Coup of 18 Brumaire

    Coup of 18 Brumaire
    When Robespierre was executed, the National Convention approved of the new "Constitution of the Year III". The executive power was placed in the hands of the five members of the Directory. The Directory sadly became involved in corruption, political conflict and financial problems. This event was significant because it shows the struggle that France went through to find new authority to rule the country.
  • French Revolutionary Wars

    French Revolutionary Wars
    Revolutionary France was very dangerous compared to other countries throughout this era. Many people today believe that it was just fueled by both fear and anger. France, under the leadership of Napoleon, was able to conquer many territories in Europe. This was the last step in order to declare equality throughout the people of the nation.