himali's life

By him142
  • the day i came to the world

    the  day i came to the world
    The day i was born it was spring,it was a sunny day . I was born in canada in 1999.when my mom was rushed to hospital she took a cab and oh yeah i was born in toronto.
  • Where i got My Name

    Where i got My Name
    where did i get my name you wonder well i got my name from my parents well actually my dad and some what of my mom. i don't really know how they came up with the name cause i was little.i kind of like my name i guess , so that was it i was named himali Patel.
  • caught messing up food

    caught messing up food
    now yo wonder what she means well i mean
    that my gave me food in a bowl but for babys of course and
    when she was not looking i crused the food cause i did not like it,
    my mom caught but she was mad, mad in a funny way(so not actually mad). that day was fuuny
  • Turned 1

    Turned 1
    oh yeah i was staring to grow big.I was finally 1. I was so happy and looked cute in my purple cute dress and a tastey and yummy birthday cake.oh goss that cake was good. When i turned one my party was big and awesome and i think mostly everyone has a party when they are 1 am i right, i think i am.
  • frist time i stared walking

    frist time i stared walking
    omg it was awesome. i was so little and i took my frist step. Then i try to take a anthor step and i fell,but play fell.Then days and days passeed and i can take about 3-5 steps. i was proud of myself,but now i can take a million steps cause i am big now.
  • when i first went on an airplane

    when i first went on an airplane
    it wasawesdome the first time i went on an airplane.of course i did not know how i was maybe crying maybe not crying,smiling,not smileing who knows but whatever it is i hope its good cause i do not want to be known as a bad baby cause i am agood baby i think.
  • When i frist met My Brother

    When i frist met My Brother
    when i saw my brother in the hopstial it was really exicting but i did not know much beause i was only one and he was a new born baby. It was an cool moment but now i dont really like my brother, not much, well kind of i guess.
  • learned how to ride a bike

    learned how to ride a bike
    It was awseome i was ready to go with ym helmet and knee pads and my uncle was holdingon the back of my bike. He held a couple of times and then finally i was riding my bike with my uncle holding one last time, he told me if i was ready then he count down to 3 and gave it a push and then let go i was riding it yeah but then wipe out but it was a good i was okay, it was a funny day.
  • halloween

    boo it was a spooky and scary night.
    i was dressed as a cute pink bunny.
    i had my cute pumkin treat or treating bag with candy in it. it was so much fun, i love halloween and i always will no matter what.
  • frist time in rtms

    frist time in rtms
    oh yeah march i came to rtms last at march can you belive it i cant.As i stayed here untill sammer and i am still here i have made alot of friends and they are all so sweet and nice.This school its self is nice and caring, i love it here,best school ever . i hope i never go out of this school but sadly i will have to but even though i will not be here for long i will remeber this school forever and my friends and teachers.
  • first time in grade 7

    first time in grade 7
    well there i was standing with myfriends out side waiting for myteacher to come He came then the bell rang he took us in ,he told us he name was mr. rossi, he was nice and helpful and thats when i knew my year was going to be great. grade 7 is going to be awesome and of course i met other teachers during my class like ms.rioux, she is really nice. i love grade 7.
  • yay made the volleyball team.

    yay made the volleyball team.
    At rtms i had made the volleyball team cause last year i did not get a change to try out. i made the junior girls team . i love volleyball its my main sport.i love eveything about it. its awseome and when i heard i made the team i was so happy.volleyball rocks.