Great Depression/New Deal

  • World War One Ends

    At 11 o'clock in the morning of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the First World War, known at the time as the Great War, comes to an end.
  • Herbert Hoover Is Elected

    Herbert Hoover, america’s 31st president, took office in 1929, the year the U.S. economy plummeted into the Great Depression.
  • First Bank Panic

    The stock market crash of October 1929 left the American public nervous and extremely susceptible to rumors of impending financial disaster.
  • Black Tuesday

    It was a cause of The Great Depression.
  • Hawley-Smoot Tarrif

    It did little to end the deppresion.
  • 1930 Midterms

    The 1930 United States midterm elections were held on November 4, 1930. Incumbent President of the United States Herbert Hoover and the Republican Party suffered loses.
  • Food Riots

    Hungrey Americans smashed grocrey store windows, take food, and run away because they do not have any other way of getting food to eat
  • Unemployment Hits 25%

    This increase came less than three years after the rate reached 0.04% in August 1929.
  • FDR Is Elected

    Represented the Deomocrats and won the popular vote.
  • Emergency Banking Act Passed

    an attempt to stabilize the economy because of the Great Depression
  • Period: to

    First New Deal begins

    The New Deal was a series of domestic programs enacted in the US.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    is a federally owned corporation in the United States created by congressional charter.
  • First Hundred Days

    Sample of the first 100 days of a first term president
  • Period: to

    Second New Deal begins

    Added many new acts to the New Deal.
  • FDR attempts to "stack" the court

    was a legislative initiative proposed by US President Roosevelt to add more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • US enters World War 2

    Was the largest armed conflict in human history.