Jan 1, 1050
The Start of Gothic Art
Gothic art was an movement in the middle of the 11th century. It was a very formal and religious kind of art. The religious aspect of the art limited the artist creativity. During the era paintings were judged by the quality of materials used and the skill of the artist.
Gothic art started to delcine in the early 14 century -
Period: Apr 27, 1050 to Apr 27, 1400
Gothic Art
Jan 1, 1300
Early Renaissance
The early renaissance was a period were more naturalistc types of art were created. Religion had less of an impact on the art. They developed more depth and perspective drawing. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to Apr 27, 1450
The Early Renaissance
Apr 27, 1420
The Northern Renaissance
The name given to art in western and northern Europe during High Renaissance. -
Period: Apr 27, 1420 to Apr 27, 1520
The Northern Renaissance
Apr 27, 1480
The High Renaissance
The high Renaissance was the pincle of Italian art. Some great artist such as Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael Sanzio painted in this style and time. It brought back the what the Romans and Greek achevied in their works. -
Period: Apr 27, 1480 to Apr 27, 1520
High Renaissance
Apr 27, 1520
Mannerisim was an art style that evoloved near the end of the High Renaissance. It exaggerated and contorted the body it show the idealist version of natural beauty. -
Period: Apr 27, 1520 to Apr 27, 1580
Baroque Art
Baroque Art was a reaction to the artifical stlye of Mannerisim. It was often made to create powerful emotions in the viewer. Religious and mystical scenes were painted. It was a bold art style during the period. -
Period: to
Baroque Art
Dutch art
Dutch art was famous for portraits, landscapes, interior and genre paintings, -
Period: to
Dutch art
Rococo Art
Rococo art was a French art style used for interior decoration, it used curves and scrolls to show elegance. While some say Rococo art is refined and ellegant, others thik the it is a pomppus and indulgent style. -
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Rococo Art
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Neoclassicism was a reaction against Rococo art. Inspired but the works at Pompeii, it depictaed heroisim virtue as propaganda on contemporary circumstances. -
Period: to
Neoclassicism was a reaction against Rococo art. Inspired but the works at Pompeii, it depictaed heroisim virtue as propaganda on contemporary circumstances. -
Realsim focused on the reality of an object. It was an style against the emotions of Romanticism. If looked things for what they were and painted them as that. -
Period: to
The Pre-Raphaelites
The Pre-Raphaelites were a brotherhood of artist that created art that was a blend of realisim and sybolisim. They drawing usually idealized a medieval theme. -
Period: to
The Pre-Raphaelites
Impressionism is the name given to a style of art at the end of the 18th centuary. The wanted to capture the atmostsphere at that time and date. -
Period: to
Post Impressionism
It an art movement in the late 1800's. Artist rebelled against the limitations of impressionisim . Some major artist: Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin and Georges Seurat made paintings in this time. -
Period: to
Post Impressionism
Fauvism was a bold and bright form of art in the early 1900's. It used bright colours. It was a simplified and extremely bright form of art. -
German Expressionism
German Expressionism was a type of art with an emotional and spirtual version of the world. -
Period: to
Period: to
German Expressionism
Abstract Art
Abstract Art is a from of art that is still present today. It gives that impression of the form, by using form, space, tone, texture and pattern. -
Cubisim was invented by piccaso and Georges Braque. Cubist shown the figure from many viewpoint rather that the normal perspective drawing. It is heavily influenced by African art. -
Period: to
Abstract Art
Period: to
Cubisim was invented by piccaso and Georges Braque. Cubist shown the figure from many viewpoint rather that the normal perspective drawing. It is heavily influenced by African art. -
Period: to
Simialar to Suprematism. -
Period: to
Period: to
it is a geometric style of art influenced by furturism and cubisim. It was suing -
it is a geometric style of art influenced by furturism and cubisim. It was similar to abstract, but it used shapes to make the form.