

  • Number one dream

    Number one dream
    My top goal since I was little is to become famous like being a social media star or model, but I always loved to help others because it brings joy inside of me ( Nursing).
  • 5 years from now

    5 years from now
    Around this time I will already have my high school diploma and hopefully in college.
  • 10 years from now

    10 years from now
    Already have my Bachelors degree in nursing by now hopefully unless something in the future just changes, and hopefully an apartment or little house, or living as a model (lol). I will also be understanding the struggles of life. For example, paying the bills every month.
  • Being young and having fun

    Being young and having fun
    When I have enough money I would love to travel around to places I've never been to, or any fun places, and enjoy life because everyone needs to have fun and relax.
  • 15 years from now

    15 years from now
    Living in my dream home either in California or New York
  • Helping others

    Helping others
    Whenever I save enough money I would like to go to the mountain region of Laos to help Hmong children at school by buying them school supplies, and shoes for them. If I save enough I would also like to go to South America, Africa, etc. to help the other children around the world.
  • Feeling comfortable in life

    Feeling comfortable in life
    This is when hopefully I am comfy in my own home where I am no longer struggling with bills compared to when I first got out of college.
  • Retire

    In 45 years from now if I am a nurse it'll be time for me to retire.