French Revolution Timeline

  • Reign

    King Louis XVIII began his reign! That happened in 1814 during the French Revolution. It was a significant event as it marked the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in France after the defeat of Napoleon.
  • Declaration of the rights of men

    The Declaration of the Rights of Men! That was written in 1789 during the French Revolution.This event was significant as it laid the groundwork for the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity that became the guiding principles of the revolution
  • Estates General

    In 1789, Louis XVI, the king of France, called for the Estates General, a meeting of representatives. This event was significant because it marked a major turning point in the French Revolution, leading to the eventual overthrow of the monarchy and the rise of a republican government.
  • Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath occurred on June 20, 1789, during the French Revolution. His event was significant as it symbolized the defiance of the people against the monarchy and laid the foundation for the establishment of a constitutional monarchy in France.
  • Bastille

    Oh, the storming of the Bastille! That happened on July 14, 1789, during the French Revolution.This event was a powerful symbol of the people's uprising against the monarchy.
  • Versailles

    he March on Versailles took place on October 5, 1789, during the French Revolution. It forced the royal family to relocate to Paris and marked a shift in power from the monarchy to the people.
  • French Consitution

    This event was significant as it laid the groundwork for the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity that became the guiding principles of the revolution
  • Execution of King and Queen

    That happened on January 21, 1793, during the French Revolution. It was a tragic event where King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were executed by guillotine. This event was significant as it symbolized the end of the monarchy and the rise of radical revolutionary forces. It also intensified the conflict within France and had a profound impact on the course of the French Revolution.
  • Terror

    Took place from 1793 to 1794 during the French Revolution. It was a period marked by mass executions and political repression as the Committee of Public Safety sought to eliminate counter-revolutionary elements.
  • Overthrows the directory

    Napoleon overthrew the Directory! That happened on November 9, 1799, during the French Revolution. It was a coup d'état where Napoleon Bonaparte, a military general, seized power and established the Consulate.
  • Napoleon builds empire

    Napoleon built an empire! That happened from 1804 to 1814 during the aftermath of the French Revolution. It was a period where Napoleon expanded the French territories through military conquest, establishing the First French Empire.
  • Invades Russia

    Napoleon invaded Russia! That happened in 1812 during the French Revolution. It was a military campaign where Napoleon's Grande Armée invaded Russia with the goal of defeating the Russian forces and expanding his empire
  • Vienna Meets

    That happened on June 18, 1815, during the aftermath of the French Revolution. It was a decisive battle where the coalition forces led by the Duke of Wellington and Prussian Field Marshal Blücher defeated Napoleon's army.
  • Occupies Paris

    That happened in 1814 during the French Revolution. It was a military action where the coalition forces, consisting of Austria, Prussia, Russia, and others, entered Paris and took control of the city. This event was important as it marked the end of Napoleon's rule and the beginning of the Bourbon Restoration
  • Waterloo

    Napoleon invaded Russia! That happened in 1812 during the French Revolution. It was a military campaign where Napoleon's Grande Armée invaded Russia with the goal of defeating the Russian forces and expanding his empire