
Four Gospels

  • 85 BCE

    Writing of Mark's Gospel

    Writing of Mark's Gospel
    Mark's gospel was written in greek for a gentile audience.The gospel of Mark is about the Compassionate point of view of Jesus’s life. In many ways Christ shows compassion throughout the (Synoptic) Gospel of Mark.
  • 70

    Writing of Lukes Gospel

    Writing of Lukes Gospel
    • Luke's Gospel talks about the history of Jesus and how he helped others. -The social context of Luke is Eastern Mediterranean. -The Authorship of the Gospel of luke and the Act’s of the apostles,The new testament and the gospel of Luke was traditionally thought to be written by luke with the companion of Paul.
    Jesus is expressed in Luke's Gospel as:
    -Helping others
    -Jesus is experiencing with the outcasts
    -Compassionate healer
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    Writing Of Matthew's Gospel

    Writing Of Matthew's Gospel
    Jesus feeds and heals the multitude of his people. The social context are Jewish people. The author of Matthew's Gospel is the Matthean community.
    Jesus is expressed in the Gospel of Matthew as:
    * Glorified god
    * Revealed as god savour
    * As a teacher to spread the word
    * Teachings of the kingdom
  • 140

    Writing of Johns Gospel

    Writing of Johns Gospel
    At this time, the Emperor Domitian (81-96 AD) had stepped up the persecutions severely, perhaps being the worst ever seen in Church history
    During the writing of this Gospel, John and any Jews connected with the new Christian sect movement were being severely harassed and/or had already been expelled from the synagogue and their family and cultural structures. The author of John's Gospel is the son of Zebedee.
    John's Gospel demonstrates Jesus as:
    - A Leader