Feldpausch Family Fun

  • Christmas Baby!

    Christmas Baby!
    I was born 6 days before Christmas at 2:20 AM on December 19, 2006, at Butterworth Hospital. I weighed 7 lbs 3 ounces and was 19 inches.
  • First Steps

    First Steps
    I took my first steps at 11 months.
  • First Tooth

    First Tooth
    My first tooth came in at 13 months.
  • Birth of Twin Sisters!

    Birth of Twin Sisters!
    Suddenly, the number of children in the Feldpausch Family had doubled. I was so excited to be a big sister.
  • Election of 2008

    Election of 2008
    Barack Obama, the first African American president, was elected.
  • Dress Up

    Dress Up
    As a 3-year-old, my absolute favorite game to play was dress up.
  • Preschool

    My mom taught me preschool at home. I loved to learn new things.
  • Ballet Classes

    Ballet Classes
    I took ballet lessons with my sisters. I loved wearing tutus!
  • New Sister!

    New Sister!
    After my Kindergarten year had just begun, we welcomed my youngest sister, Francesca, into the family.
  • Moving

    We moved houses to fit our growing family. I was VERY upset with my parents because I had to leave my best friend.
  • First Communion

    First Communion
    I made my First Communion at church with my classmates.
  • Piano Lessons

    Piano Lessons
    I started taking piano lessons once a week after school. Here's a picture of my sisters and I with our piano teacher.
  • Softball

    After years of playing soccer, I tried softball for the first time! My team did very well and won the championship.
  • 1st time Camping!

    1st time Camping!
    Our family was finally old enough to go camping together. We camped at Warren Dunes State Park.
  • Ear Piercing

    Ear Piercing
    My mom finally let me get my ears pierced! My older sister and I went together to get them done.
  • Grandpop Passes Away

    Grandpop Passes Away
    In 2019, my Grandpop unexpectedly passed away. Here's an older picture of us together.
  • 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic

    2020 Covid-19 Pandemic
  • Getting a Puppy!

    Getting a Puppy!
    After years of begging my parents, we finally convinced them to get us a puppy! We named our adorable Chocolate Lab Mocha.
  • High School Begins!

    High School Begins!
    As high school began, I learned to use running as an outlet by competing on the cross-country and track teams.
  • Family Vacation!

    Family Vacation!
    Our family went on vacation with the entire extended family to Onekama, Michigan. We stayed on the lake in a large house.
  • Big Sister's Graduation

    Big Sister's Graduation
    I watched as my older sister collected her diploma thinking about how it would be my turn in just a couple of years.
  • 2024 Solar Eclipse

    2024 Solar Eclipse
    The entire United States came together to witness a total solar eclipse.
  • First Half Marathon!

    First Half Marathon!
    I decided to take on the biggest race of my life. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my fitness journey.