Start or Great Northern War
Millitary conflict with Russia, Denmark, Norway, and Saxony-Poland Challeged Sweden in the Baltic sea area. The effect of this war was that It declined the Swedish infulence and Russia emerged to the top power of the region. -
End of the Great Northern War
This was the end of the war when Peter defeted The main Swedish army. End of most of conflict. -
Decembrist Revolt
The Decembrist Revolt was when nobels and army officers tried to overthrow the czars government. The Czar Nicholas 1 crushed the revolt and executed five leaders.Czar Nicholas imposed strict censorship, banned books from the west that might contain liberal ideas, and targeted schools and universistiesas centers of unrest. -
Czar Alexander II emacipated the serfs
This event was when the Czar got the permission to sign the Emacipation Act. It aloud all of the serfs to have personal freedom. SInce this act got signed Russia finally had a better judicial system. -
Assaination of Alexander II
Narodnaya Volya was the one who assinated Alexander II. He was wounded badly and killed when he was driving through the capital city. All the main leaders of the assination were found and killed. A affect from this was that Alexander the III took over rule. The government considered reforms because Alexander II died but they were all rejected. -
Russo-Japanese war
This war devolped a rivarly with Russia and Japan. THis war was a war over a big port on a island that China gave to the Japanese. It started when a Japanese fleet attacked a Russian naval squad in Port Aurther. Japan cut off the water ways that connected Port Aurther from the major body of water. Then Japan pushed Russia back to Mukden. Then after a while Russia surrendered Mukden and gave the Port and everything to the Japanese. -
Revolution of 1905
Bloody Sunday pretty much was the start of the Revolution of 1905. The Revolution was all strikes and protests. It was all about how workers needed a lot better working conditions and all of the workers went on strikes. -
Bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday was when a bunch of protesters were protesting peacfully in St. Petersburg. Police tried to stop the march but it didn't work and the they opened fire and killed 100 and wounded 700. After the protest, a seris of strikes and protests happened all over other cities. This was all part of the Russian Revolution of 1905. -
World War one (Russian Involvement)
Russia was super involved in the World War I because Russia pretty much teamed up with the U.S, France, Great Britian, Italy, and Japan. THey fough against Germany, Austria- Hungray, and the Ottaman Empire or other known as Turkey. THe affect of this war was tht over 65 million people died and thtat It caused the country of Europe to be unstable with many problems and it caused Russia to have another revoultion. -
March Revolution
This revolution happened when the Czar Nicholas the wasnt even in the city of St. Petersburg. It was all about the government and the rights of the serfs or the people. The army refused to fire upon any of the protesters. There were food riots, strikes, and a lot of protesting. This lead to the abdication of the czar. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicated the Russian Throne
In early 1917 the people of St. Petersburg had food shortages. the Army stepped down and joined the people and they wanted the czar and czarina to step down. THe effect was that Czar Nicholas and his family got exiled to SIberia and exicuted.