The Great Northern War
War between Sweeden and Russia. Peter built a new capital, St. Petersburg, on territory that he had won. Also in forms of victory a result was Russian Empire was formed on November 2. Peter was acclaimed Father of the Fatherland, Peter the Great, and emperor of all the Russias. -
The Decembrist Revolt
Decemberist Revolt was a small group of nobles and army officers that tried to overthrow the czar's government. This efected the students and teachers and even government officals because he had his police secretly spy on them. Also, books were banned in the west that contain liberal ideas, and targeted schools and universities as centers of unrest.More than 150,000 people were excused of treson and exiled to Siberia. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
It was where Alexander freed the slaves.The serfs gained new poltical rights and were allowed to keep their home and tools. They had to buy land now. Most still live in terrible poverty. -
The Assassination of Alexander II
Russians begin to become fustrated with slow pace changed and decided to take revolutionary action.When efforts to win popular support failed ,radical groups went and killed prominent officals and AlexanderII. This lead to NicholasII to come in as a czar.Also socialism had become popular, -
The Russo-Japanese War
Conflict with Japan over Korea and Manchuria. The war resulted in a stunning defeat for Russia. it increased economic hardships at home. -
Bloody Sunday
Violence breaks out in St.Petersburg after the war in Japan. The effects of this massacre caused a spark that started the Revolution of 1905. It also left many people wounded or died. Nicholas II elected assembly called the Duma. -
The Revolution of 1905
Riots strike the cities after being horrified by Bloody Sunday. Peasants looted and burned the homes of landowners in the countryside. -
The March Revolution
March Revolution was where riots and strikes erupted in Petrograd protesting the war and shortage of food. It caused some of the soldiers to join the protesters . It cause NIcholas II to give up the throne. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
Nicholas was forced to adicate the throne after strikes and general revolts break out in St. Petersburg. Leaders of Duma set up Provisional Government. Which gave the temporary reforms as things like freedom of speech and religion. Effected also by Russia having written laws now rather thanon the decrees of the czar. -
Russian Involvement in World War 1
Russia was an Allied power that joined inby the United States. A "new" Poland was born after World WarI. Weaponry such as machine guns, tanks and chemical weapons started to come out after the trench warfare.