
Events leading to the American Revolution

  • England's defeat of the Spanish Armada.

    England's defeat of the Spanish Armada.
    This allowed Britan to become the dominant naval power and cross the atlantic ocean and eventually discover the New World.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    England and France fought for the control of North America, the Carribean, and India. England ultimately got control of the colonies. It was the debt in the English government that led to the Revoutionary War.
  • The Proclaimation of 1763

    This prohibited settlement of the colonists past the appalachian mountains. This angered the colonists because they felt they had fought for the land and that it was rightly theirs.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act was the first serious attempt from the British to govern the colonies. Britan was faced with a serious debt after the French and Indian War and placed taxes on many commonly used items like paper and stamps that came from Britan. This futher angered the colonists.
  • The Quartering Act of 1765

    This made people in the colonies house and feed British soldiers. The quartering act angered the colonists
  • The Townshend Revenue Act

    There were taxes on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea which allowed the British to retain much money. The result of this was that the colonists gave up the hostility they had toward the old world.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    A street fight that occured betweeen a Patriot and a squad of British soldiers. British troops in Boston were very unwelcome and the riot began when 50 people attacked a British Sentinel leaving three dead on the spot. The Boston Massacre led to a campagin to stir up the anger within the citizens.
  • The Tea Act

    Was intended for the East India Company to help reduce the debt they had with so much unsold tea. It was sent to the colonies and was going to be sold cheap, however the colonists would not unload it and left the tea on ships at the dock. This situation led to the Boston Tea Party. The Tea Act was the final spark to start the fire of the American Revoluition.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    These battles kicked off the Revoultionary war. It was a result of the building tension between the colonies and Britian. The battle on the turf in Lexington started the fighting and soon the British were quickly retreating with intensity. After many more battles, the colonists acheived their freedom
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    When a ship with British tea came into the harbor, colonists dumped it overboard to avoid having to pay the tax on it. The damage, in todays money, would exceed three-fourths of a million dollars.